Amytta olindo Hemp, 2001

(Fig. 8 D)

Distribution. Tanzania; endemic to Mt Kilimanjaro (Hemp 2001 b).

Habitat. Hemp 2001 b. Hemp C. 2005. In the herb layer of coffee-banana plantations, bushland, forest edge, and clearings in submontane and montane forest on Mt Kilimanjaro.

Altitudinal range at Mt Kilimanjaro: 1100–1400 – 1800–1900 m.

Song. In the ultrasonic range. The species is omnipresent with its continuous uniform song of rapid syllables at night in submontane to montane habitats.

Records: 43

Remarks. Amytta species are common on most mountain ranges of northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. Beside various new Amytta species also specimens were collected in East Africa which surely belong to new genera of Meconematinae.