Fulvoscirtes fulvus fulvus Hemp, 2012

(Fig. 5 C)

Distribution. Tanzania; endemic to Mt Kilimanjaro

Habitat. Hemp C. 2005. Hyparrhenia grasslands and grassy patches along roads and plantations on the eastern slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro.

Song. Continuous sequence of syllables with irregular gaps, mostly in the ultrasonic range (Hemp et al. 2012).

Molecular phylogeny: Fulvoscirtes is beside Acanthoscirtes the most recent evolved genus of Karniellina (Hemp et al. 2012). A subspecies of F. fulvus is also present in the adjacent situated geologically ancient North and South Pare Mountains suggesting a geologically young radiation with a split of the subspecies after the emergence of the volcano Kilimanjaro (1–2 Ma years).

Altitudinal range at Mt Kilimanjaro: 1100–1200 - 1300–1500 m.

Records: 9