Conocephalus (Megalotheca) phasma Gorochov & Llorente del Moral, 2004

(Fig. 2 E, F)

Distribution. Tanzania (Gorochov & Llorente del Moral 2004).

Habitat. Savanna and Hyparrhenia grasslands on Mt Kilimanjaro.

Song. Continuous sequence of syllables, faintly audible with the unaided ear. Perceived mostly in the afternoon hours.

Altitudinal range at Mt Kilimanjaro: 1000-1100 - 1300-1400 m.

Records: 17

Remarks. Beside mostly brachypterous specimens (Fig. 2 E) also fully alate specimens were collected (Fig. 2 F). The species also occurs on the North Pare Mountains in analogous habitats as on Mt Kilimanjaro. It was found in grasslands on the northern slopes.