Agyneta brevipes (Keyserling 1886)

Linyphia brevipes Keyserling 1886: 87, pl. 14, f. 181. (Description Ƥ). Lepthyphantes brevipes Petrunkevitch 1911: 245.

Meioneta brevipes Chamberlin & Ivie 1947: 59. (Transferred Ƥ from Lepthyphantes). Agyneta brevipes Buckle et al. 2001: 99. (Transferred from Meioneta).

Type material: Linyphia brevipes Keyserling 1886 b, Ƥ HOLOTYPE from Washington Territory.

Note: I was unable to unequivocally determine the species from the description and illustrations (Keyserling 1886, pl. 14, fig. 181) but this species definitely belongs in Agyneta. Until the holotype can be examined, this species cannot be re-described.