Bicellaria shatalkini sp. nov.

(Figs 22, 23)

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, Russia, Magadan: r. [=river] Indigirka, ust [= river mouth] Injali, 1976, listvennik s ernikom i mkhom na sklone sopki [= larch forest with black crowberry and mosses on slope of a hill], V. Kovalev (ZMMU). PARATYPES: Russia: 7 ♂, 3 ♀, same data as holotype; Chita: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Undurga River, 9.vii. 1977, V. Kovalev; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same locality, 13.vii. 1977, V. Kovalev (ZMMU: 9 ♂, 3 ♀, CULSP: 1 ♂, 2 ♀).

Diagnosis. Halter blackish brown in both sexes; third antennal segment without elongate dorsal setae; hind basitarsus narrow and hind tibia slightly swollen in both sexes. Male hypandrial processes long and broad, postgonites triangle-shaped and saw-toothed ventrally; both phallic hooks present, right one slightly shorter than left; female tergite 8 entirely microtrichose.

Etymology. The species is named in honour of Prof. Anatoliy Shatalkin, well known Russian dipterologist (Moscow).

Description. Male. Head brownish-black, dark brownish grey microtrichose, black setose. Holoptic, facets in dorsal half much larger than in ventral half, about 14–16 facets in line of contiguity of eyes. One pair of ocellar setae (sometimes an additional shorter pair present). Occiput brownish black. Face slightly narrowed ventrally, dorsal part about 0.05 mm and ventral part about 0.04 mm broad at narrowest point. Clypeus slightly paler grey microtrichose. Palpus short, brown, with 2 setae. Labrum short, brown, polished. Antenna black, 2 nd segment short setose (longest ventral setae about 0.09 mm); 3 rd without elongate dorsal setae; ratio of broad part of segment 3: narrow part of segment 3: arista (at 0.01 mm resolution) = 12–14: 4–5: 17–19. Thorax brownish-black, brownish grey microtrichose, prescutellar area with broad lighter spot in front of scutellum reaching hind dorsocentrals and acrostichals (in some specimens divided by narrow dark midline). All thoracic setae black. Chaetotaxy: 8–11 broadly biserial acrostichals (about 0.12 mm long in front of suture); 9–11 irregularly uniserial dorsocentrals as long as or slightly longer than acrostichals; 10–15 setae in intrahumeral and posthumeral areas; 1 longer and 2–3 shorter postpronotals; notopleuron with 4–6 unequally long setae arranged in irregular row; 1–2 supraalar-, 0–2 prealar and 1–4 additional setae between supraalar- and dorsocentrals (situated laterad of dorsocentral row); 1 long postalar; 2 pairs of scutellars. Legs including coxae blackish brown, microtrichose, black setose. Fore femur with both antero- and posteroventral setae half as long as depth of femur and similar row of slightly longer posterodorsals. Fore tibia with irregular rows of unequally long antero- and posterodorsals, longest about twice as long as depth of tibia (up to 0.15 mm long), posteroventrals about as long as depth of tibia, ventral pilosity not developed or very short. Mid femur with sparse row of anteroventrals less than half as long as depth of femur (in middle part), with posteroventrals up to as long as depth of femur. Mid tibia usually with 2 anterodorsals in basal half and 3 posterodorsal setae in basal 2 /3, 2– 3 X as long as depth of tibia, other short setae slightly longer than depth of tibia. Hind femur with 17–19 anterodorsal setae slightly longer than depth of femur (in basal part, shorter in apical part), with row of 12–18 anteroventrals slightly shorter than anterodorsals, posteroventrals about half as long as corresponding anteroventrals. Hind tibia swollen in apical part (0.13–0.14 mm at broadest point in comparison with 0.07–0.08 mm in basal third), longest anterodorsals and posterodorsals up to 0.15 mm long, ventral setae subequally as long as depth of tibia in middle part, longer proximally and much shorter distally. Tarsi of both fore and mid legs thin and short setose, basitarsus of hind leg thin (0.06 mm), at most slightly broader than 2 nd segment. Wing brownish infuscated; stigma brown, long (0.55–0.60 mm), almost parallel-sided (about 0.08 mm at broadest point) and slightly broader than narrowest part of cell r 1. Distance between tips of veins R 1 and R 2 + 3 about 0.20–0.25 mm. Squama dark brown with dark fringes, halter brownish black. Abdomen blackish-brown, slightly darker (brownish-black) in dorsal view than in lateral view, microtrichose, entirely black setose, posteromarginals on sides of tergites much longer than segment. Genitalia (Figs 22, 23) with hypandrial processes long and broad (longer than 0.15 mm), with very short setae on apical third; postgonites triangle-shaped, sawtoothed ventrally; both phallic hooks present, right one slightly shorter than left. Female. Setae shorter (especially on abdomen) than in male, and less numerous, narrower hind tibia (0.11 mm in broadest part). Tergites entirely microtrichose including 8 th one, sternite 8 polished. Length: body 2.7–3.1 mm, wing 2.5 –3.0 mm.

Remarks. Bicellaria shatalkini sp. nov. probably belongs to the B. uvens complex of species; and differs from other species of this complex by its long hypandrial processes.