Bicellaria koreana sp. nov.

(Figs 20, 21)

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, North Korea, S slope of Paekdu Mt., 16.viii. 1989, M. Kozánek (CULSP). PARATYPES: N. Korea: 3 ♂, 10 ♀, same data as holotype; 8 ♀, Paekdusan, Mupo, 18.vii. 1989, M. Kozánek; 1 ♀, N. Korea, Paekdusan, Samjion, 40 km NW, 17.viii. 1989, M. Kozánek; 1 ♀, N. Korea, Paekdusan, Onsupjong, 19.viii. 1989, M. Kozánek; 1 ♀, N. Korea, Čchong-Rion-San, 1.viii. 1989, M. Kozánek–(CULSP). Russia: [labels in Cyrillic] Chita: 1 ♀, Černyševsk [= Chernyshevsk], 17.vii. 1977; 1 ♂, same locality, 19.vii. 1977; 1 ♂, same locality, 23.vii. 1977; 5 ♂, Kuenga River, above Chernyshevsk, 8.viii. 1977; 2 ♀, same locality, 10.viii. 1977; 1 ♂, Ukur'evskoe, 1.viii. 1977, V. Kovalev; 1 ♂, same locality, 6.viii. 1977, V. Kovalev; Amur: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, town Zeja, 2.ix. 1981, A. Shatalkin; Tyva Republic [= Tuva]: 1 ♀, Saryg-Sep, 28.viii. 1973, V. Kovalev; Kamchatka: 1 ♀, Kamenskoe, 29.vii. 1973, Negrobov; Magadan: 1 ♀, Palatka, Hasych, 28.viii. 1978, V. Kovalev–(ZMMU).

Diagnosis. Halter brown in both sexes; third antennal segment without elongate dorsal setae; fore tibia with posteroventrals not longer than pilosity; body setae both black and pale; hind basitarsus narrow and hind tibia swollen in male and less so in female. Male hypandrial processes long and narrow; only one (left) long and simply curved phallic hook present.

Etymology. The species is named after the country where holotype specimen was taken (Korea).

Description. Male. Head brownish-black, brownish grey microtrichose, both black and pale setose. Holoptic, facets in dorsal half much larger than in ventral half, about 15–16 facets in line of contiguity of eyes. Two pairs of black ocellar setae, posterior pair much shorter. Occiput dark setose on upper part and pale setose below. Face strongly narrowed ventrally, dorsal part about 0.06 mm and ventral part about 0.02 mm broad at narrowest point (as in B. vana). Clypeus slightly paler grey microtrichose. Palpus short, brown, with 2 pale setae. Labrum short, brown, polished. Antenna black, 2 nd segment very short setose (longest ventral setae about 0.06 mm); 3 rd segment without elongate dorsal setae; ratio of broad part of segment 3: narrow part of segment 3: arista (at 0.01 mm resolution) = 12–15: 4–5: 14–16. Thorax blackish-brown, rather light greyish-brown microtrichose, prescutellar area evenly coloured as remaining mesoscutum, scutellum paler grey. Thoracic setae varying from pale to black, with marked tendency to be pale in some specimens (pale in holotype), most notably scutellars and notopleurals (also costal seta) in some specimens whitish-yellow. Chaetotaxy: 7–9 broadly biserial acrostichals; 9–12 uniserial dorsocentrals, both acrostichals and dorsocentrals very short (0.08–0.10 mm) except last 2–3 pairs of dorsocentrals; some 5–8 setae in intrahumeral and posthumeral areas; 3 subequally long postpronotals; notopleuron with 3–5 setae arranged in irregular row (1–2 setae of row often longer and stronger than others); 1 supraalar- and 1–2 prealar; 1 long postalar; 2 pairs of scutellars. Coxae blackish brown, microtrichose, pale (in holotype) but sometimes brown setose. Legs brown, microtrichose and mostly dark setose with at least some pale setae present.

Fore femur with sparse rows of fine antero- and posteroventral setae at most half as long as depth of femur. Fore tibia with dorsal setae about as long as depth of tibia or slightly longer, posteroventrals almost absent in distal half of tibia (not longer than pilosity), ventral pilosity slightly shorter than on fore basitarsus. Mid femur with very short or almost absent anteroventrals, posteroventrals about as long as depth of femur. Mid tibia with 1–2 pair(s) of submedian setae dorsally 2 X as long as depth of tibia. Hind femur thin (0.09–0.10 mm), with 15–17 anterodorsal setae more than 2 X as long as depth of femur on basal part but much shorter apically and with row of 13–16 anteroventrals subequally as long as anterodorsals (except on basal part), posteroventrals scarcely half as long as depth of femur. Hind tibia strongly swollen in apical part (0.13–0.15 mm at broadest place in comparison with 0.05 mm in basal third), longest anterodorsals and posterodorsals up to 0.18 mm long, ventral setae slightly longer than depth of tibia in middle part, much shorter distally. Tarsi of both fore and mid legs very thin and short setose, basitarsus of hind leg thin (0.05–0.06 mm), but distinctly slightly broader than 2 nd tarsal segment. Wing light brownish infuscated; stigma brown, long (0.60–0.65 mm), almost parallel-sided, 0.05 mm broad, slightly narrower than cell r 1 (about 0.07 mm at broadest point). Distance between tips of veins R 1 and R 2 + 3 about 0.20–0.25 mm. Squama dark brown with pale (holotype) or dark fringes, halter brown. Abdomen brown, darker (brownish-black) in dorsal view and lighter (greyish-brown) in lateral view, microtrichose, pale setose on sides of basal 2–3 segments (holotype) or only on sides of 2 nd segment, subsequent segments dark setose; posteromarginals on sides of tergites 2–4 longer than subsequent segments, on tergites 5–7 slightly shorter. Genitalia (Figs 20, 21) with hypandrial processes long and narrow, with several short setae on apical part; postgonites elongate-ovate in shape, with concave lower margin; left phallic hook long and simply bent, right one almost absent. Female. Abdominal setae shorter and paler than in male. Tergite 8 polished on basal part, sternite 8 polished, otherwise abdomen microtrichose. Length: body 2.1–2.9 mm, wing 2.4–2.9 mm.

Remarks. Bicellaria koreana sp. nov. belongs to the B. sulcata complex of species as proposed by Chvála (1991). It differs from the only other Asian representative of the complex (B. vana) according to characters given in the key. However, the species described above is very similar to Nearctic B. furcifer Melander, 1928 (Figs 18, 19). In fact we found only one reliable character distinguishing both species and this is the longer phallic hook in B. koreana sp. nov. (compare Figs 18 and 20).