84. Ectoedemia scoblei Puplesis, 1984
Ectoedemia scoblei Puplesis, 1984 a: 122.
Host-plant. Probably Juglans mandshurica Maxim.
Distribution. The Russian Far East (Primorskiy Kray) and Japan.
Material examined. 13, Gornotayezhnoe, 19.viii. 1983, leg. R. Puplesis, gen. slide no. AG 165 (ZIN); 33, Andreevka env., 24–27.vii. 1985, leg. S. V. Seksyaeva, gen. slide nos AG 355, 301, 292 (ZIN).
Discussion. We provide the first photographic documentation of the male genitalia of E. scoblei based on nontype material (Fig. 61). Difference between the non-type specimen (slide no. AG 355, Fig. 61) and the holotype (see the preceding paper, Stonis & Rocienė 2013: figs 169–172) are likely the result of slide-mounting of the genitalia.
85. Ectoedemia aligera Puplesis, 1985
Ectoedemia aligera Puplesis, 1985: 67, 68.
Host-plant. Unknown.
Distribution. The Russian Far East: Primorskiy Kray.
86. Ectoedemia ermolaevi Puplesis, 1985
Ectoedemia ermolaevi Puplesis, 1985: 68.
Host-plant. Unknown.
Distribution. The Russian Far East: Primorskiy Kray.
87. Ectoedemia maculata Puplesis, 1987
Ectoedemia maculata Puplesis, 1987: 11, 12.
Host-plant. Unknown.
Distribution. The Russian Far East: Primorskiy Kray.
88. Ectoedemia cerviparadisicola Sato, 2012
Ectoedemia cerviparadisicola Sato, 2012: 572 –581, in Shinozaki et al 2012.
Host-plant. Quercus gilva Blume. Distribution. Japan (central).
89. Ectoedemia species 219 (described above)
Host-plant. Possibly Quercus.
Distribution. The Russian Far East: Primorskiy Kray.