Karaops banyjima sp. nov.

(Figs 33 –34, 37)

Type material. Holotype: female, Area C, 87.3 km NW of Newman [22 ˚ 53 ’ 43 ” S 119 ˚02’ 42 ” E, Western Australia, Australia], 17 February 2010, M. Greenham, Biota, in soil (WAM T 101159).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Banyjima language indigenous to the type locality. This name is to be treated as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Females of K. banyjima sp. nov. are most similar to K. burbidgei but can be distinguished by the absence of a distinct m-shaped hood over the copulatory openings. Instead, they have a small, posteriorly-located depression with an anterior m-shaped margin. Additionally, the copulatory ducts are highly sclerotised and very dark and are easily observed in ventral view (Figs 33–34). Males are unknown.

Description. Female (holotype):

Colour. Dorsal shield of prosoma yellow-brown, with slightly darker marks laterally and medially; sternum pale yellow; chelicerae yellow-brown with darker infuscations anteriorly and laterally; maxillae pale yellowbrown; labium pale brown, lightening distally; opisthosoma dorsally yellow-brown with reddish-brown and dark setae, black horizontal w-shaped marks medially, black flecks laterally; ventrally pale yellow-brown; legs with segments clearly annulated, but annulations do not completely encircle femora, legs darkening distally at tibiae; annulations lighter in centres.

Prosoma. 0.91 times longer than broad; clypeus 0.13 high.

Eyes. AER slightly recurved; PER recurved; PME larger than AME, PLE largest, ALE smallest; eye group width 1.20; eye diameters, AME 0.18, ALE 0.13, PME 0.23, PLE 0.32; interdistances AME-ALE 0.38, PME-PLE 0.23, ALE-PLE 0.07, AME-PME 0.04; ocular quadrangle AME-AME 0.46, PME-PME 0.89.

Sternum. 0.82 times longer than broad.

Chelicerae. Promargin with 3 teeth, retromargin with 2 teeth.

Female pedipalp. Claw with ca. 6 teeth.

Epigyne (Fig. 33). Lateral lobes come into contact posteriorly; small depression, located posteriorly, with mshaped anterior margin; copulatory openings located anterolaterally in depression.

Vulva (Fig. 34). Copulatory ducts short, leading to large lateral and anterolateral spermathecae; spermathecae very dark and highly sclerotised; fertilisation ducts located posteriorly, directed anterolaterally; very small posterodorsal fold present.

Opisthosoma. Without caudal setal tufts.

Legs. Leg I only slightly shorter than legs II, III and IV; leg formula 3241; leg III longest; tarsal claws without teeth; spination: leg I, Fm pr 1 - 1 -0, d 1 - 1 - 1, rl 0; Ti d 0, v 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2; Mt v 2 - 2 - 2 - 2; leg II, Fm pr 0, d 1 - 1 - 1, rl 0; Ti v 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2; Mt v 2 - 2 - 2 - 2; leg III, Fm pr 0, d 1 - 1 - 1, rl 0; Ti 0; Mt 0; leg IV, Fm pr 0, d 1 - 1 - 1, rl 0- 0- 1; Ti 0; Mt 0.

Measurements. Total length 6.00. Dorsal shield of prosoma length 2.79, width 3.07. Sternum length 1.34, width 1.63. Opisthosoma length 3.21, width 2.93. Pedipalp: Fm 0.71, Pt 0.68, Ti 0.57, Ta 0.77, (total) 2.73. Leg I: Fm 2.86, Pt 1.16, Ti 2.61, Mt 2.21, Ta 1.05, (total) 9.89. Leg II: Fm 3.61, Pt 1.25, Ti 2.93, Mt 2.64, Ta 1.14, (total) 11.57. Leg III: Fm 3.95, Pt 1.25, Ti 3.11, Mt 2.71, Ta 1.25, (total) 12.27. Leg IV: Fm 3.53, Pt 1.07, Ti 2.68, Mt 2.64, Ta 1.16, (total) 11.08.

Distribution. This species is known only from the type locality (Fig. 37).

Life history and habitat preferences. Unknown.