(Figs 4, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45)
Freysuila dugesii var. cedrelae Schwarz, 1899: 197.
Mastigimas peruanus, Klimaszewski, 1962: 251, misidentification.
Material examined. Colombia: 2 ♂, 2 ♀, 4 immatures, Antioquia, Porce, vi. 1984, Cedrela sp. (R. Velez) (BMNH, slide mounted); 1 adult, hacienda Pehlke, 1929 (E. Pehlke S.) (MZPW, dry mounted).— Costa Rica: 1 ♂, La Selva, Huerta, ix. 1992 (P. Hanson) (BMNH, dry mounted); 2 ♂, 2 ♀, no details, CRPH/ 17 (P. Hanson) (BMNH, dry mounted); 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Las Mercedes, plane of Limon, 20–30 km from Atlantic Ocean, 150–300 m a.s.l., 1.vi. 1922 (F. Nevermann) (NHMB, dry mounted).— Ecuador: 1 ♀, Bugaba, 500 ft. (Champion) (BMNH, dry mounted);— Panama: 1 ♀, near Mera, 23.i. 1923 (F. X. Williams) (BMNH, dry mounted); 2 ♂, 2 ♀, Las Cumbres, several dates, at light (H. Wolda) (BMNH, dry mounted); 1 ♂, Las Cumbres, 25.x. 1973, at light (H. Wolda) (MHNG, dry mounted); same but 1 ♀, 23.ii. 1975; same but 1 ♂, 19.ix. 1977; same but 1 ♀, 4–10.i. 1983; same but 1 ♂, 1– 7.i. 1984; same but 1 ♀, 18–24.vii. 1984; same but 1 ♂, 8–14.x. 1984; 4 ♀, Colon Province, San Lorenzo, 17.vi. 2005, Tapirira guianensis (Y. Basset) (NHMB, dry mounted).— Trinidad: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, 3 immatures, Curepe, x. 1981, Cedrela mexicana (M. J. W. Cock) (BMNH, slide mounted); 2 ♀, 1 immature, Central, ix. 1924, Cedrela sp. (C. L. Willycombe) (BMNH, dry mounted); 2 immature, Biche, 29.iii. 1999, Cedrela (P. Ran) (NHMB, slide mounted).
Description of adult by Brown & Hodkinson (1988).
Fifth instar immature. Antennal segments 3 / 4 length ratio 2.56–4.20. Forewing pad/ antennal segment 3 length ratio 1.60–1.96. Caudal plate (Fig. 45) irregularly, broadly rounded posteriorly, 1.78–2.75 times as wide as long. Distance between anterior and posterior bands of caudal plate larger than distance between posterior band and anus, measured laterally. Circumanal ring very small, transverse diameter about 8–10 times as wide as pore rows on one side, consisting of 3–4 rows.
Measurements (5 specimens, in mm). Length of antennal segment 3 1.05–1.30; forewing pad length 2.00– 2.30; caudal plate length 1.00– 1.85.
Distribution. Recorded from Trinidad (Schwarz 1899), Panama (Laing 1923), Panama, Costa Rica, Trinidad, Colombia (Brown & Hodkinson 1988), Colombia (Klimaszewski 1962, as M. peruanus), Costa Rica (Burckhardt & Brown 1992), Costa Rica and Panama (Burckhardt et al. 2011), and new for Ecuador.
Host plants. Cedrela odorata L. (= mexicana M. Roem.) and Toona ciliata M. Roem.
Comment. The record of M. peruanus from Colombia (Klimaszewski 1962) concerns M. cedrelae (Brown & Hodkinson 1988) (see comment under M. peruanus).