Amage Malmgren, 1866

Type species: Amage auricula Malmgren, 1866

Diagnosis: (emended) Prostomium trilobed. Buccal tentacles smooth. Three to four pairs of cirriform branchiae. TS- 2 achaetous or with minute chaetae. Thorax with 13–17 TCs and 10–14 TUs. Modified segments absent. Abdomen with rudimentary notopodia.

Remarks: Reuscher et al. (2009) presented the latest emended diagnosis of this genus. The discovery of minute chaetae in TS- 2 in the new species A. micropaleata n.sp. has made necessary the inclusion of this character in the generic diagnosis. Also, presence of thoracic notopodial cirri is excluded from the former diagnosis by Reuscher et al. (2009), as this character was not observed in either of the herein described species.