Abderos gen.nov.

Type species: Abderos minotaurus n.sp.

Diagnosis: The genus is characterized by presence of a pair of large forwardly directed lateral tegumentary projections in the first segment, giving specimens a somewhat horned appearance.

Prostomium trilobed. First segment with a distinct pair of lateral papillae. Two pairs of branchiae. Paleae absent in generic type, first notopodia from segment 4, 14 TCs, 12 TUs. Modified positions of notopodia in posterior three TCs, shifted dorsally to some degree. Abdominal segments without rudimentary notopodia and cirri, neuropodial cirri absent. First and second AUs with neuropodia sessile tori and uncini embedded in body wall similar to thoracic neuropodia, neuropodia from 3 rd AU erect pinnules with uncini present at distal margin of pinnules. Pygidium with a pair of lateral anal cirri.

Etymology: The genus is named after Abderos, son of Hermes (Greek mythology), who was killed and devoured by hungry carnivorous mares. Hermes is, among others, the patron of travelers, hence guarding and protecting scientists on their expeditions. The type specimens of the genus died during such an expedition at the hands of one “knowledge”-hungry female scientist.