Tenthredo fulviventris Mocsáry, 1909

A senior subjective synonym of Tenthredo (Tenthredella) crenata (Enslin, 1912), syn. nov.

TYPES. Tenthredo fulviventris Mocsáry, 1909: 35. Syntype (s) 3, “Sibiria orientalis: Raddefka.”. Primary homonym of Tenthredo fulviventris Scopoli, 1763 [= Eurhadinoceraea fulviventris (Scopoli, 1763)]. Lectotype Ƥ, hereby designated (Fig. 21). Type locality: “Sibiria or. Raddefka” [= Russia: Birobidzhan: Radde].

DISCUSSION. Enslin (1920: 91) discussed the possibility that T. fulviventris is a synonym of T. crenata, but nevertheless he decided to treat the former as valid. Conde (1935) recorded a fulviventris male from Sakhalin. Sundukov & Lelej (2009) listed the taxon for the Jewish autonomous region (Birobidzhan), based on Mocsáry’s (1909) description. The primary homonymy of the name was apparently overlooked by all authors after Mocsáry (1909). A comparison of the lectotypes of fulvicornis (Fig. 20) and fulviventris (Fig. 21) shows that these specimens are probably conspecific. The differences are restricted to colouration, and this may easily be explained as sexual dimorphism, which is widespread in Tenthredo. See also under Tenthredo fulvicornis.