Prosthetops pronotus Perkins & Balfour-Browne, 1994

Additional record: 23 /ix/ 2009 Western Cape, Tsitsikamma National Park, De Vasselot Section, small rockpool beside Salt River upstream of Keurpad (Fig. 12 A)—abundant.

Description of female, based on 7 specimens from the above locality (Fig. 2 B). As male (see Perkins & Balfour-Browne, 1994) with the exception of the following features: Microreticulation on head and pronotum more strongly marked, and more granular in appearance. Labrum smaller and shorter. Head with elongate concavity between ocelli, and arcuate sulci running from just in front of each ocellus towards the lateral corners of the frontoclypeal suture shorter and deeper (these also shorter and deeper than in the female of P. wolfbergensis sp. nov.). Pronotal grooves deeper and more marked (also in comparison with female of P. w o l f b e rg e n s i s sp. nov.). Elytra with broadly explanate side margins, and a deeper saddle than in male. Explanate margins in most specimens wider than in most females of P. wolfbergensis sp. nov. (see Fig. 2).