Eusyllis kupfferi Langerhans, 1879.

Eusyllis lamelligera Marion & Bobretzky, 1875.

Eusyllis longicirrata Imajima, 1966.

Eusyllis longigularis Verrill, 1900. Junior synonym of Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840, after revision of type (YPMNH 48972).

Eusyllis longisetosa (Verrill, 1900). Junior synonym of Eusyllis lamelligera (this paper).

Eusyllis lucifera Verrill, 1875. Transferred to Odontosyllis (see Hartman 1959)

Eusyllis magnifica (Moore, 1906), transferred to Pionosyllis magnifica Moore, 1906 (López et al. 2001).

Eusyllis maxima (Monro, 1930). See Jiménez et al. (1995).

Eusyllis monilicornis Saint-Joseph, 1887. Junior synonym of Eusyllis blomstrandi (this paper).

Eusyllis nuchalata Hartmann-Schröder, 1965.

Eusyllis phosphorea Verrill in Smith & Harger (1874). Synonym of Eusyllis blomstrandi (this paper).

Eusyllis serrata Hartmann-Schröder, 1984. Transferred to Perkinsyllis San Martín, López & Aguado, 2009 by San Martín et al. 2009.

Eusyllis spirocirrata Hartmann-Schröder, 1959. Junior synonym of Westheidesyllis heterocirrata (Hartmann- Schröder, 1959) (see San Martín et al. 2009).

Eusyllis tenera Verrill, 1882. Junior synonym of Eusyllis lamelligera (this paper).

Eusyllis tubicola (Uschakov, 1950). Transferred to Odontosyllis Claparède, 1863 (see Hartman 1959).

Eusyllis tubifex (Gosse, 1885). Possible synonym with Eusyllis blomstrandi (this paper).

Eusyllis viridula (Verrill, 1900). Junior synonym of Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840, after revision of type (YPMNH 48971).

A summary of the main morphological characters of the eight valid species is shown in Table 1.


Species Falcigers Ventral simple chaetae Dorsal simple chaetae Anterior aciculae

Eusyllis assimilis bidentate unidentate unidentate 2 (one of them curved) Eusyllis blomstrandi bidentate bidentate unidentate rounded, indented tip Eusyllis grandmarie n. sp. bidentate absent absent thick and sharp tip

Eusyllis kupfferi unidentate? bayonet-shaped rounded, indented tip Eusyllis lamelligera bidentate absent absent with two notches

Eusyllis longicirrata bidentate absent absent mallet-headed

Eusyllis maxima unidentate? slightly bidentate slightly curved, with blunt tips Eusyllis nuchalata bidentate?? present

......continued on the next page Species Posterior acicula (1) Proximal tooth of blades Ventral cirri Eusyllis assimilis strongly curved similar or bigger than distal one ovated Eusyllis blomstrandi rounded tip with a crown of spines similar or bigger than distal one digitiform Eusyllis grandmarie n. sp. thick and sharp tip smaller than distal one triangular Eusyllis kupfferi rounded, indented tip similar or bigger than distal one triangular Eusyllis lamelligera tricuspidal similar or bigger than distal one ovated Eusyllis longicirrata mallet-headed smaller than distal one digitiform Eusyllis maxima slightly curved, with blunt tips similar or bigger than distal one thick, rounded Eusyllis nuchalata present similar or bigger than distal one ovated


Eusyllis assimilis 50 Eastern Atlantic Ocean (English Channel to South Africa), Western

Atlantic Ocean (México), Mediterranean Sea, North Pacific Ocean

(Japan, Australia, New Zealand).

Eusyllis blomstrandi 50-55 Arctic, Pacific (Japan) and North Atlantic Oceans, Mediterranean Sea,

Adriatic Sea and Red Sea.

Eusyllis grandmarie n. sp. 30 San Diego, California, U.S.A., North West Pacific Ocean Eusyllis kupfferi 53 Madeira and Canary Islands, Cuba, Australia (Indian and Pacific


Eusyllis lamelligera 30 North Eastern Atlantic (English Channel to Canary Islands), North

Western Atlantic (U.S.A. to Cuba) and Mediterranean Sea. Australia

(Pacific Ocean). Japan.

Eusyllis longicirrata ? South Japan

Eusyllis maxima 120 Southern areas of Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. South Georgia:

East of Jason Light, May Bay, Cumberland Bay and near localities;

Antarctica; South Argentine.

Eusyllis nuchalata 46 Pacific Ocean. Concepción, Corcovado Gulf, Chile