Tentorium papillatum (Kirkpatrick, 1908)

(Fig. 3 D)

Tentorium papillatum Topsent 1917: 36, pl. 4 fig. 2. Boury-Esnault & van Beveren 1982: 38–39, pl. 5


Suberites caminatus var. papillatus Kirkpatrick 1908: 20 –21, pl. 15 fig. 16, pl. 16 figs. 11–14. Suberites papillatus Burton 1929: 445, 1932: 336. Suberites caminatus Koltun 1964 (partly): 25, pl. 4 figs. 15–18. Tentorium caminatus Koltun 1976 (partly): 168.

figs. 17, 18, text-figs. 8 c, d, e.

Material. 3 specimens from station 048- 1 (SMF 11785–11787), 602.1 m, 70 ° 23.94 ' S, 8 ° 19.14 ' W, 12.01. 2008.

Description. Small, round sponges, encrusting on rocks. Surface with one or two long exhalant chimneys, covered by distinct ostia-bearing papillae. Skeleton made up of tracts of tylostyles about 1530 µm in length running towards the cortex, often branching out on their way. Cortex a uni-spicular palisade of small tylostyles about 350 µm.

Remarks. Tentorium papillatum specimens from ANDEEP-expeditions where studied in detail by Plotkin and Janussen (2008). Our new specimens originate from a similar area and show similar characters.