Genus Tauroscypson Curran

Tauroscypson Curran, 1934 a: 419. Type-species: Tauroscypson guiana Curran, 1934 (orig. des.). Refs. Curran 1934 a: 419 (desc.); Lopes 1935: 253 (notes); Hendel 1935: 51 –52 (notes); Enderlein 1942: 99 (notes); Keiser 1951: 123 (notes), 124 (key); Aczél 1956 a: 163, 169, 171, 173 (notes), 182 (checklist); Aczél 1956 b: 27 (key); Keiser 1951: 124 (key); Steyskal 1967: 2 (cat., Neotropical; comment about the genus’ name); McAlpine 1990: 365 –367 (notes), 368 (figs), 369 (key); Barraclough 1994: 6 (notes); Barraclough 1998: 115 (notes); Meier et al. 1999: 209 (tab.); Rafael et al. 2009: 63 (notes), 64 (tab.); Korneyev 2010: 965 (key, Neotropical); Câmara & Rafael 2013: 147 (notes).

andina Aczél, 1956 b: 28. Type material: HT female (IFML), *PT female (IFML). Type locality: BOLIVIA, Sara, Santa Cruz.

Distr.– Brazil (Rondônia [n. occ.]), Peru, Bolivia. Refs.

Tauroscypson andina Aczél 1956 a: 182 (checklist); Aczél 1956 b: 24 (pl.), 28 (desc., key), 29–30 (figs.); Steyskal 1967: 2 (cat.); Rafael et al. 2009: 64 (tab.); Buck et al. 2009: 114 (fig.); Korneyev 2010: 964, 966 (figs.); Mello 2011: 228 (checklist).

Examined material: BRAZIL. Rondônia. Itapuã do Oeste, Flona do Jamari. 4 /xii/ 2012. Cavichioli, Melo, Rosa & Santos

col. 1 male (DZUP).

*Remarks: According with original description of the species, the PT was returned to Dr. Weyrauch (Aczél 1956 b: 32). Actually, the PT is found in the collection of IFML (Dr. Guillermo Claps pers. comm.).

guiana Curran, 1934 a: 419. Type material: HT female (AMNH). Type locality: GUYANA, Bartica district, Kartabo. Distr.–

Guyana. Refs.

Tauroscypson guiana Curran 1934 a: 419 (desc.), 531 (figs.); Curran 1934 b: 269 (figs.), 270 (key); Keiser 1951: 123 (redesc.), 124 (key); Aczél 1956 a: 182 (checklist); Aczél 1956 b: 28 (key), 32 (notes); Steyskal 1967: 2 (cat.); Rafael et al. 2009: 64 (tab.); Korneyev 2010: 964, 966 (figs.).