Scopocira abaporu sp. nov.

Figs 30, 39, 80‒81, 117 ‒ 122, 187

Types. Holotype: male from Oropuche River, Valencia Ward, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago [10.233333 ºN, 61.516667 ºW], 17.VIII. 1986, G.B. Edwards (FSCA). Paratypes: one female from Turare River, Valencia Road, Manzanilla Ward, Saint Andrew County, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago [10.65 ºN, 61.15 ºW], 19.VIII. 1986, G.B. Edwards (FSCA); one male and two females, same data as holotype (MPEG 21115 = ex-FSCA); one male from Rio Huanirila, La Paz, Bolivia [16.483333 ºS, 68.133333 ºW], 31.VII. 1993, A.D. Brescovit (MCN 23806).

Etymology. The specific epithet, a noun in apposition, is the name of a famous oil on canvas painting by the Brazilian painter Tarsila do Amaral (1886‒1973). The male palp of this species resembles the disproportionate man depicted in the painting.

Diagnosis. Males of S. abaporu (Figs 30, 39) are similar to those of S. carinata (Figs 31, 40) by the developed paraembolic projection, but can be recognized by the distance between this and the embolus, which in S. abaporu is about three times the width of the embolus (as wide as the embolus in S. carinata). Females can be recognized by the reniform spermathecae (Fig. 122).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 3.32. Carapace orange, 1.77 long, 1.27 wide, 0.95 high (Fig. 117). Ocular quadrangle 0.99 long. Anterior eye row 1.08 wide and posterior 1.03 wide. Palp yellow (Figs 118‒119); RvTA and ITA poorly developed; paraembolic projection large, rounded; acute end of the DEA seen on the retrolateral side; embolus short, pointing to the tip of the cymbium. Legs 1423, orange. Length of femur: I 1.53, II 0.94, III 0.90, IV 1.24; patella + tibia: I 2.09, II 1.12, III 1.01, IV 1.39; metatarsus + tarsus: I 1.39, II 0.96, III 0.96, IV 1.38. Spination on ventral tibia I: 2 - 0-2 - 2. Abdomen cream-colored, with a median wide light brown dorsal stripe; laterally brown (Fig 117); ventrally with a brown spot close to the spinnerets.

Female (paratype FSCA). Total length: 3.26. Carapace orange, 1.56 long, 1.03 wide, 0.72 high (Fig. 120). Ocular quadrangle 0.94 long. Anterior eye row 1.03 wide and posterior 0.93 wide. Legs 4132, as in male. Length of femur: I 1.12, II 0.84, III 0.82, IV 1.17; patella + tibia: I 1.34, II 1.02, III 0.93, IV 1.32; metatarsus + tarsus: I 1.09, II 0.92, III 1.05, IV 1.40. Spination as in male. Abdomen light brown, with a brown pattern dorsally (Fig 120); ventrally with a brown spot close to spinnerets. Epigyne as in Figs 121‒122.

Distribution. Trinidad & Tobago; Bolivia (Fig. 187).