Phyllocoptes abaenus Keifer, 1940

(Fig. 3 E)

Type data. Prunus sp. (a plum; Rosaceae); San Mateo, San Mateo Co., California, USA.

Relation to the host. This species is free-living on the lower leaf surface (Keifer 1975).

Geographic distribution. Antarctic, Australian, Nearctic, Neotropical, Palaearctic.

Distribution and host plants in Iran. 26 females and 1 male, from Azarshahr (37 ° 46 ' 24 "N, 45 ° 57 ' 20 "E), 1,353 m above sea level, on P. domestica (Rosaceae), 2 August 2011; 7 females and 2 males, from Azarshahr (37 ° 46 ' 24 "N, 45 ° 57 ' 20 "E), 1,353 m above sea level, on P. armeniaca (Rosaceae), 2 August 2011; 27 females, Kandovan village, Osku (37 ° 47 ' 31 ''N, 46 ° 14 ' 57 ''E), about 2,243 m above sea level, on Cerasus vulgaris Mill. (Rosaceae), 1 August 2011. All coll. P. Lotfollahi.

Remarks. This is the first record of P. abaenus from Iran. The morphometry of the female matches the original description by Keifer (1940) but the opisthosomal setae d (49–70) in the Iranian specimens are slightly longer than reported in Keifer’s description, possibly due to differences in the quality of microscope equipment.