Whole-ecosystem metabolism using maximum likelihood estimation approach by Solomon et al. (2013) using scripts by Windslow et al. 2016 (LakeMetabolizer). Files are for near-surface DO logger ("EPI") and near-bottom DO logger ("HYP") columns: [1] "Date" - Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [2] "DOY" - Day of year [3] "GPP_mean" - Gross primary production (mg O2 / L / day) - Mean estimate [4] "R_mean" - Ecosystem respiration (mg O2 / L / day) - Mean estimate [5] "NEP_mean" - Net ecosystem production (mg O2 / L / day) - Mean estimate [6] "GPP_sdDO" - Gross primary production (mg O2 / L / day) - standard deviation of the mean estimate (metabolism model uncertainty) [7] "R_sdDO" - Ecosystem respiration (mg O2 / L / day) - standard deviation of the mean estimate (metabolism model uncertainty) [8] "GPP_sdgap" - Gross primary production (mg O2 / L / day) - standard deviation of mean estimate across all bootstrap runs that take uncertainty from gaps in input data into account [9] "R_sdgap" - Ecosystem respiration (mg O2 / L / day) - standard deviation of mean estimate across all bootstrap runs that take uncertainty from gaps in input data into account [10] "WS_mean" - Wind speed (m/s) - Mean estimate [11] "St_mean" - Schmidt Stability (J/m2) - Mean estimate [12] "Tlayer_mean" - water temperature (dC) at DO probe depth - Mean estimate [13] "Zmix_mean" - Depth of the actively mixing layer (m) - Mean estimate [14] "Zlwr_mean" - Depth of the lower boundary of the metalimnion (m) - Mean estimate [15] "PAR_mean" - Photosynsthetic active radiation (umol / m2 / s) - Mean estimate [16] "WS_sdgap" - Wind speed (m/s) - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled) [17] "St_sdgap" - Schmidt Stability (J/m2) - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled) [18] "Tlayer_sdgap" - water temperature (dC) at DO probe depth - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled) [19] "Zmix_sdgap" - Depth of the actively mixing layer (m) - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled) [20] "Zlwr_sdgap" - Depth of the lower boundary of the metalimnion (m) - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled) [21] "PAR_sdgap" - Photosynsthetic active radiation (umol / m2 / s) - standard deviation of gap-filled estimate (is zero if not gap-filled)