Gonatopus groups

Gonatopus females were divided for convenience by Olmi and Virla (2014) into twelve groups. The above 12 groups are distinguished on the basis of the following characters:

1 Fully winged.................................................................................. Group 11

- Apterous........................................................................................... 2

2 Enlarged claw without subapical tooth (Fig. 9 in Olmi 1994 b), or with one very small subapical tooth (Plate 181 A in Olmi & Virla 2014) 3

- Enlarged claw with one large subapical tooth (Plate 168 D, E in Olmi & Virla 2014)............................... 6

3 Distal apex of enlarged claw with group of lamellae (Fig. 9 in Olmi 1994 b)................................. Group 8

- Distal apex of enlarged claw without lamellae (Plates 181 A, E, 182 E-G, 183 C, D in Olmi & Virla 2014)................ 4

4 Pronotum crossed by strong transverse furrow (Plates 181 C, D, 182 A-D, 183 A, B in Olmi & Virla 2014)......... Group 7

- Pronotum not crossed by transverse furrow or slightly impressed (Plates 202, 203 A, C in Olmi & Virla 2014)........... 5

5 Palpal formula 6 / 3.............................................................................. Group 12

- Palpal formula different........................................................................... Group 6

6 Pronotum not crossed by transverse furrow or slightly impressed (as in Plate 172 B in Olmi & Virla 2014).............. 7

- Pronotum crossed by strong transverse furrow (Plates 164 C, 167 E in Olmi & Virla 2014)........................... 8

7 Labial palpi 3 -segmented......................................................................... Group 9

- Labial palpi 2 -segmented.......................................................................... Group 5

8 Enlarged claw without lamellae, with or without bristles or peg-like hairs (Plate 153 B, D in Olmi & Virla 2014).... Group 1

- Enlarged claw with lamellae (Plates 154 E, F, 155 D, E in Olmi & Virla 2014)..................................... 9

9 Labial palpus 2 -segmented............................................................................ 10

- Labial palpus 3 -segmented............................................................................. 11

10 Maxillary palpus composed of 2–4 segments.......................................................... Group 2

- Maxillary palpus 5 -segmented.................................................................... Group 10

11 Maxillary palpus 6 -segmented..................................................................... Group 4

- Maxillary palpus with 4–5 segments.................................................................... 12

12 Maxillary palpus 5 -segmented..................................................................... Group 3

- Maxillary palpus 4 -segmented.................................................................... Group 10

The above groups are distributed in the zoogeographical regions as follows:

Palaearctic: groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11. Afrotropical: groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11. Oriental: groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10.

Nearctic: groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12. Neotropical: groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12. Australian: groups 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.

As far as, it is not possible divide also males into the above groups.