Eustala catarina new species

Figs 10 –18, 85

Type material. Holotype: ♂, Rio Uruguai, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 27 º08’S, 53 º03’W, 02.IX. 2010, R.C. Francisco (MCTP 35517). Paratypes: ♂, 2 ♀, same data as holotype (MCTP 35518).

Additional material examined. None.

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males of Eustala catarina n. sp. differ from others species of the genus by the sinuous tegulum (Figs 10, 11), by the thin terminal apophysis, and by the pointed projection in the subterminal apophysis (ventral view, Fig. 11). The epigynum of Eustala catarina n. sp. (Figs 13–17) resembles those of E. guarani n. sp. (Fig. 4) by the scape narrowed at the apex, but can be distinguished by the rounded and deep openings (ventral view, Fig. 13) and by the wide posterior part of the median plate (posterior view, Fig. 14), which is very narrow in E. guarani n. sp. (Fig. 5).

Description. Male (holotype, MCTP 35517): Carapace pale yellow with brown dots, high thoracic area, and deep thoracic furrow. Posterior median eyes and lateral eyes with black borders. Sternum pale yellow. Abdomen subtriangular with posterior hump. Dorsum light brown with well-delimited dark brown folium and with white pigment anteriorly (Fig. 12). Venter yellow with a well-defined band from the spinnerets to the epigastric furrow and an elongated median white patch. Legs pale yellow with light brown bands. Total length 4.5. Carapace length 2.0, width 1.9. Leg, formula 1243. Length leg I: femur 3.0; patella+tibia 3.4; metatarsus 2.2; tarsus 1.0; total 9.3. Patella+tibia II 2.6; III 1.4; IV 2.2.

Female (paratype, MCTP 35518): Carapace, eyes, sternum, and legs pattern as in males. Abdomen subtriangular; dorsum crackled, with light gray folium and two lateral brown marks (Fig. 18). Venter as in males. Total length 6.9. Carapace length 2.2, width 1.9. Leg formula 1243. Length leg I: femur 3.1; patella+tibia 3.4; metatarsus 2.3; tarsus 0.9; total 9.7. Patella+tibia II 3.3; III 1.6; IV 2.6.

Variation. Male (n= 2): total 4.5–4.6; carapace length 2.4 – 2.3, width 2.0– 1.9. Female (n= 2): total 5.3–6.9; carapace length 2.1–2.2, width 1.8–1.9. In both sexes the carapace and legs may be orange; with darker bands on legs. Abdomen dark gray and folium slightly apparent.

Distribution. Brazil: Santa Catarina (Fig. 85).