Homotropus signatus (Gravenhorst 1829, Bassus)

Tryphon compressiventris Cresson 1868 Homotropus hygrobius Thomson 1890 Homotropus bifoveolatus Kriechbaumer 1894 Zootrephes montanus Davis 1895

Diagnosis. Fore wing length 3.5–5.1 mm. Antenna in females with 19 flagellomeres, apical flagellomeres with multiporous plate sensilla also present ventrally; in males with 19 to 21 flagellomeres and with narrow, long tyloids on flagellomeres 7 / 8 to 14 / 15. Face strongly coriaceous, punctures disappearing against the background sculpture. Clypeus strongly excised at least in females, with lobes somewhat angulate at outer corners. Mesopleuron coriaceous at least on lower half, weakly punctate on lower half and along anterior margin. Mesoscutum finely coriaceous, with weak and sparse punctures. Hind coxa with hind surface coriaceous and matt. Fore wing areolet open or closed, if closed then vein 3 rs-m usually unpigmented. Propodeum with pleural and lateral longitudinal carinae present, and usually also petiolar area surrounded by carinae or at least indicated by strong rugae (sometimes almost completely carinate), coriaceous and strongly rugose on hind surface. Female metasoma strongly compressed posterior to third segment. First tergite with median dorsal carinae often surpassing middle of tergite, with some longitudinal wrinkles laterally, 1.0– 1.5 times as long as wide; second tergite basally with few short longitudinal wrinkles, 0.65–0.8 times as long as wide in females, 0.8–1.2 in males, second tergite 0.8 –1.0 times as long as first tergite; spiracle of third tergite on dorsal or lateral part, above or behind lateral fold.

Colouration of females. Antenna bright orange or brown. Head and mesosoma black, with yellow on central face patch which is separated from yellow on clypeus, yellow on mouthparts, hind corner of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, small to large shoulder mark, mesepimeron; scutellum black. Legs orange, all coxae either orange or black, fore and mid coxae often largely yellow apically, femora orange, hind tibia usually entirely orange, apex and hind tarsus usually not dark. Metasoma black, tergites 2 to 4 or 5 all or mainly orange.

Colouration of males. As in females but additionally with yellow over entire face, scape and pedicel ventrally, antenna usually orange below; mesosoma usually without additional yellow coloration, fore and mid coxae entirely yellow.

Material examined. 11 syntypes of Homotropus hygrobius Thomson: Sweden, Skåne. 5 ♂, 6 ♀, at ZIL. Paralectotype of Homotropus bifoveolatus Kriechbaumer: Spain, Mallorca,leg. Maragues. 1 ♂, at ZSM.

New for Greece: Col de Metsovo/Metsovo/Pindos, leg. J.Aubert, 6.V. 1955. 2♂, 1 ♀, at MZL.

Finland (2), Germany (3), Greece (3), Hungary (16), Iceland (14), Netherlands (1), Russia (3), Spain (1), Sweden (> 100), Switzerland (30), Turkey (1), United Kingdom (50).

Distribution. Holarctic.

Figures. Face ♀ (Fig. 7 H), propodeum (Fig. 9 D), tip of metasoma and ovipositor sheaths ♀ (Fig. 15 I), epicnemical carina (Fig. 16 A), habitus (Fig. 32 B).