H. gallii (Rottemburg, 1775)

Plate 3, Fig. 48

Material examined. PAKISTAN, [Gilgit Baltistan,] Khalti Lake, Gopis, 11. vi. 2008, Anjum Shehzad.

Remarks. Hyles gallii has a Holarctic distribution, from France to western Siberia and the Altai Mountains of Russia, northern China and Korea, the Kurile Islands, Sakhalin Island and northern Japan; also from northern Turkey and the Caucasus, east through Transcaucasia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Kashmir to Nepal and Xizang/Tibet, China; and northeast through eastern Kazakhstan to Xinjiang, China. This species is also present in the U.S.A. (northeast, the Great Lakes region, the upper Midwest, throughout the Rocky Mountains as far south as Utah and Colorado, and westward to Oregon and Washington State in the Pacific Northwest, as well as in Alaska) and Canada (from the eastern Maritime Provinces to northern Quebec and west to British Columbia and the Yukon Territory) (Tuttle, 2007).