ScalIbregma Rathke, 1843

Scalibregma Rathke, 1843: 182 –184.— Blake 2000: 132. Type species: Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843

Diagnosis. Body elongate, arenicoliform. Prostomium T-shaped with distinct lateral horns. Parapodia of posterior segments with dorsal and ventral cirri, interramal papillae or cilia present; postchaetal lamellae absent. Branchiae present. Chaetae including capillaries, lyrate chaetae, and sometimes few inconspicuous spines, blunt or bifurcated among capillaries of chaetigers 1–2, representing precursors of lyrate chaetae; large conspicuous spines absent. Pygidium with long anal cirri (Blake 2000: 132).