Pseudoscalibregma Ashworth, 1901: 296.
Type species: Scalibregma parvum Hansen, 1879
Diagnosis (emended). Body elongate, posterior part tapering (‘arenicoliform’). Prostomium T-shaped with distinct lateral processes. Posterior parapodia with dorsal and ventral cirri. Branchiae absent. Large acicular spines absent; small thin, pointed or bifurcate spines present in chaetiger 1.
Remarks. The diagnosis for the genus follows Blake (1981), with the exception of details concerning the presence of small spines in the first chaetiger as observed in the recently described species, P. orientalis from Japan (Imajima 2009) and in the type species P. parvum (present study, see below). The spines are similar to the thin spines in chaetigers 1–2 in species of Scalibregma that may be blunt or bifurcate. The spines are believed to be homologues of the furcate setae found in more posterior chaetigers (Mackie 1991).