Eupithecia intricata (Zetterstedt, 1839)

Larentia intricata Zetterstedt, 1839, Insecta Lapponica 4 (6): 962. Syntype (s) (MZLU), [Sweden]: Lapponia. Eup[ithecia] absinthiata sp.?/f. lunata Dietze, 1910, Biologie der Eupithecien 1: taf. 71, fig. 190; ibidem (1913), 2: 88. Holotype ♂ (designated by Mironov, 2009; coll. K. Dietze in MNHU, examined), [China]: Ili, Juldus [Yining region] (synonymised in Mironov & Galsworthy, 2013).

This very variable and widespread Holarctic species has only been reported for Mongolia (Ulassutai) by Staudinger (1897). Specimens of this species from southern Kazakhstan and Mongolia are very similar externally to specimens described from north western China as E. absinthiata f. lunata Dietze, 1910 (Fig. 19). In our opinion, the male genitalia which are labelled as belonging to the holotype of E. lunata (Vojnits slide no. 1183 ♂) either derive from a gummed abdomen or were mislabelled by Vojnits, and belong to a different species, E. leptogrammata Staudinger (= melanochroa Wehrli). The slide is badly prepared: the tegumen together with the uncus and anal tube are separated from the base of the valvae; both valvae are torn apart from their sclerotized dorsal margins and the eighth sternite is missing: the aedeagus with two stout, elongate horn-like cornuti, which are typical for E. leptogrammata, is in good condition. Comparison of this slide with the slide of the male genitalia of the syntype of E. leptogrammata (de Laever slide no. 14523 ♂) in the collection of MNHU (Berlin) suggest that the two are identical. The adult insects are however quite different. Mongolia: Zavkhan aimag.