Genus Paravillersia Kuznetsov, 1978

Type species: Paravillersia grata Kuznetsov, 1978, by original designation.

Diagnosis. Prodorsal shield with 3 pairs of setae (vi, ve, sci). Setae sce situated on platelets separated by striae from prodorsal shield. Eyes present. Postocular bodies absent. Hysterosomal shield with 6 pairs of setae (c 1, d 1, d 2, e 1, e 2, and f 1). Lateral margins of hysterosomal shield with distinct incisions anterolaterally to setae e 2. Suranal plate dorsal or ventral, with 2 pairs of setae (h 1, h 2). Two pairs of callosities present between hysterosomal and humeral shields. Genital setae absent. Chelicerae fused medially, not forming stylophore. Number of setae on palpal segments: Tr 0, Fe 3 (d, l’, v”), Ge 2 (d, l”), Ti 3 (d, l’, l”), Ta 8 (1) (fused eupathidia ul’, ul”, sul, eupathidion acm, tactile setae ba, bp, lp, 1 solenidion ω). Subcapitulum with 4 pairs of setae (m, n, or 1, or 2); setae or 1 distinctly thickened. Leg chaetotaxy: I: Tr 1 (v’), Fe 6 (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, bv”), Ge 4 (d, l’, l”, k), Ti 5 (2) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, φ, φp), T a 13 (1) (p’, p”, tc’, tc”, ft’, ft”, u’, u”, a’, a”, pl’, pl”, vs, ω); II: Tr 1 (v’), Fe 5 (d, l’, l”, v’, bv”), Ge 4 (d, l’, l”, k), Ti 5 (1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, φ), Ta 9 (1) (p’, tc’, tc”, u’, u”, a’, a”, pl’, vs, ω); III: Tr 2 (v’, l’), Fe 3 (d, l’, ev’), Ge 1 (d), Ti 5 (1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, φ), Ta 7 (1) (tc’, tc”, u’, u”, a’, a”, vs, ω); IV: Tr 1 (v’), Fe 2 (d, ev’), Ge 1 (d), Ti 5 (1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, φ), Ta 7 (1) (tc’, tc”, u’, u”, a’, a”, vs, ω).

Remarks. The genus Paravillersia is very close to the genus Villersia Oudemans, 1927 by the presence of 3 pairs of setae on the prodorsal shield, lateral incisions on the hysterosomal shield, and by the location of setae sce on the separate platelets.

These genera differ from each other by location of setae d 2 on the hysterosomal shield in Paravillersia. It also close to the genus Eustigmaeus Berlese, 1910 but differs by location of setae sce on separate platelets.

Species included. The genus currently includes 2 species: P. grata Kuznetsov, 1978, which known from Voronezh Province of Russia, and P. jamaliensis Khaustov sp. nov. from Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Western Siberia.