Stolas scrobiculata (Boheman, 1850), comb. nov.

(Figs. 154–155)

Mesomphalia scrobiculata Boheman, 1850: 231; 1856: 39; 1862: 105; Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3635; Wagener, 1881: 64; Spaeth, 1901: 339; 1914: 33; Blackwelder, 1946: 738; Borowiec, 1999: 117.

Remarks. This species belongs to the genus Stolas based on the prosternal collar lacking lateral projections at apical margin and without a median transverse sulcus. This is a new combination: Stolas scrobiculata (Boheman, 1850), comb. nov.

Geographical distribution. Described from “ Brasília (Boheman, 1850). We record the first specimens from Espírito Santo, Brazil.

Material examined (11). BRAZIL: No locality: (Ex Coll. J. S. Baly 1905 – 54) (2 exs., BMNH); (Ex Musaeo Thorey) (Ex Coll. R. Oberthür 1952) (2 exs., MNHN); (Ex Musaeo Mniszech) (Ex Coll. Oberthur) (1 ex., MNHN); Espírito Santo: Linhares, (Reserva Biologica de Sooretama), (2 exs., MNRJ); V– 1953, P. A. Teles (2 exs., MNRJ); XII. 1968, B. Silva (2 ex., MNRJ).