Ommatissus lofouensis Muir, 1913

(Figs 7 –9, 35– 44)

Ommatissus lofouensis Muir, 1913: 267; Melichar, 1914: 124; Chou et al., 1985: 43; Asche & Wilson, 1989: 138; Rahman et al., 2011: 255.

Description. Body length (from apex of vertex to tip of forewings): Brachypterous: male 3.9–4.2 mm, female 4.2–4.4 mm; Macropterous: male 4.5–5.1 mm, female 4.9–5.1 mm.

General colour brown or ochreous, abdomen dark brown. Vertex and pronotum pale ochreous (Fig. 7). Frons with one pair of dark oval patches. Postclypeus dark brown, anteclypeus stramineous with pale yellow median callus, genae pale yellow, lorae diffusely dark (Fig. 8).

Vertex (Fig. 35) shorter in middle than widest breadth (1.0: 1.5). Frons (Fig. 36) longer in middle than widest breadth (1.6:1.0). Pronotum (Fig. 35) broader than long (3.8:1.0). Froewings (Fig. 38) with about five apical cells. Hind tibia with 2 distinct lateral spines, spinal formula of hind leg 7–8 – 2.

Male genitalia. Pygofer (Fig. 40) symmetrical, irregularly quadrate in left view, dorsal margin narrow, deeply excavated to accommodate anal tube, ventral margin broad. Anal tube (Figs 43–44) short, anal style not surpassing anal tube. Gonostyli (Figs 40–42) bilaterally symmetrical, in lateral view about 1.7 times as long as broad, axe-like, basal 1 / 3 broad, then narrowing, with triangular process arising from base of dorsal margin, a strong hook-like process arising from laterodorsal margin, acute tip bent lateroventrad, with triangular process, pointing to inner side, arising from dorsal margin in side view. Aedeagus (Figs 40, 43– 44) elongate and sclerotized; shaft slender, Sshaped in lateral view, base very broad, cystiform-like, then becoming slender. Periandrium (Figs 40, 44) surrounding penis at base, ringed in basal part, arising from two long processes, almost equal to aedeagus in length.

Material Examined. China, Guizhou: 8 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, Mayang River National Nature Reserve (28 ° 40 ′N, 108 ° 10 ′E), 28 Sept. 2007, Z.-G. Zhang; 1 ♂, Mayang River National Nature Reserve (28 ° 40 ′N, 108 ° 10 ′E, 700 m), 27–28 Sept. 2008, Y.-J. Li; 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, Mayang River National Nature Reserve (28 ° 40 ′N, 108 ° 10 ′E, 400–600 m), 4–6 Oct. 2007, Z.-H. Yang; 8 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, Fanjing Mountain National Nature Reserve (27 ° 55 ′N, 108 ° 38 ′E), 22–24 Sept. 2011, Z.-M. Chang and W.-B. Zheng; 1 ♂, Guiyang (26 ° 40 ′N, 106 ° 37 ′E), 4 May 2008, Z.-G. Zhang; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Shuicheng County (26 ° 37 ′N, 104 ° 57 ′E), 10 Sept. 1987, Z.-Z. Li; 2 ♀♀, Leigong Mountain (25 ° 53 ′N, 108 ° 24 ′E), 7 Sept. 2010, X.-S. Chen; 2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, Leigong Mountain (25 ° 53 ′N, 108 ° 24 ′E, 900–1050 m), 17–18 Sept. 2005, Z.- Z. Li and B. Zhang; 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Leigong Mountain (25 ° 53 ′N, 108 ° 24 ′E, 1000–1100 m), 13–14 Sept. 2005, Z.-G. Zhang; 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Xishui County (28 ° 23 ′N, 106 ° 11 ′E), 25–27 Sept. 2000, X.-S. Chen; 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Chishui County (28 ° 27 ′N, 105 ° 58 ′E), 31 May 2000, Z.-Z. Li; 4 ♀♀, Huangguoshu Waterfall (25 ° 59 ′N, 105 ° 40 ′E), 19 July 2005, Z.-H, Yang; 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, Wangmo County (25 ° 19 ′N, 106 °05′E), 22 Jul. 2012, J.-K. Long and W.-B. Zheng; 1 ♀, Anlong County (25 °09′N, 105 ° 26 ′E), 28 Aug. 2012, Z.-M. Chang. China, Shanxi: 5 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, Licheng (36 ° 36 ′N, 113 ° 24 ′E), 29 Aug. 2011, X.-F. Yu and H. Li. China, Shangdong: 6 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, Taishan (36 ° 18 ′N, 117 °05′E), 26–27 Aug. 2011, Z.-M. Chang and J.-K. Long; 2 ♂♂, Fei County (35 ° 17 ′N, 117 ° 58 ′E), 20–21 Aug. 2011, J.-K. Long. China, Hunan: 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, Yun Mountain (26 ° 41 ′N, 110 ° 38 ′E), Wugang City, 5 Oct. 2010, X.-S. Chen; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Zhangjiajie (29 °08′N, 110 ° 28 ′E), 14 Aug. 1995, Z.-Z. Li.

Host plant. Weeds.

Destribution. China (Guizhou, Shandong, Shanxi, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan), Japan, Korea.