Synthesium sp.

Host: Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède)

Site in host: stomach

Locality: Tierra del Fuego province; central Patagonia and San Jorge Gulf (45 º– 47 ºS)

References: Berón-Vera et al. (2001) and Lunaschi and Drago (2007)

Host: Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard)

Site in host: intestine

Locality: Playa Unión (43 º 20 'S, 65 º00'W), Rawson, and Playa Paraná (42 º 49 'S, 64 º 53 'W), Puerto Madryn, Chubut province

References: Fernández et al. (2003, reported as Hadwenius sp. 1 and Hadwenius sp. 2) and Lunaschi and Drago (2007)

Host: Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray)

Site in host: intestine, stomach

Locality: Patagonia

References: Dans et al. (1999) and Lunaschi and Drago (2007)