Corynosoma cetaceum Johnston & Best, 1942

Host: Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann)

Site in host: intestine, stomach

Locality: Claromecó (38 ° 22 'S, 60 ° 16 'W) and San Clemente del Tuyú (36 ° 30 'S, 56 ° 20 'W), Buenos Aires province; northern Patagonia (40 º 43 '– 43 º 20 'S, 63 º04'– 65 º07'W)

Specimens in collections: BMNH (2012.5.15.123– 124)V; HCMLP (No. 5409)V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V

References: Sardella et al. (2005) and Hernández-Orts et al. (2013 b)

Host: Otaria flavescens (Shaw)

Site in host: intestine

Locality: Puerto Quequén (38 ° 37 'S, 58 ° 50 'W), Buenos Aires province; northern Patagonia (40 º 43 '– 43 º 20 'S, 63 º04'– 65 º07'W)

Specimens in collections: BMNH (2012. 5.15.21 – 22)V; MZU (accession numbers not provided)V

References: Aznar et al. (2012) and Hernández-Orts et al. (2013 b)