Drymeia neoborealis (Snyder, 1949)

Helina neoborealis Snyder, 1949: 122.

Material examined. RUSSIA: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Wrangel Island: 1 male and 5 females, Somnitelnaya Bay, 21,26.vii.1966, 4.viii.1966, 9.vii.1972, 6.viii. 1974, K. Gorodkov (1 female in SZMN, rest in ZIN); 4 females, 5 km N Somnitelnaya Bay, 27.vii. 1966, K. Gorodkov (1 female in SZMN, rest in ZIN); 10 males, environs of Viyuchny, NW Somnitelnaya Bay, 21.vii. 1972, K. Gorodkov (2 males in SZMN, rest in ZIN); 1 female, valley of Somnitelnaya River, Mineeva Mts, 22.vii. 1966, K. Gorodkov (ZIN); 1 male and 1 female, 4 км N Somnitelnaya Bay, bank of Somnitelnaya River, 28.vii. 1972, K. Gorodkov (ZIN); 1 female, valley of Somnitelnaya River, around lemming burrow, 8.vii. 1972, K. Gorodkov (ZIN); 1 female, north slope of Berry Mt., 6 km S Sovetskaya Mt., 400 m, 13.vii. 1972, K. Gorodkov (ZIN).

Remarks. The species can be identified with the keys in Huckett (1965 a), and a detailed description of the male is given by Snyder (1949: 122–123). Flies were collected from flowers of Potentilla sp., Potentilla emarginata, Dryas integrifolia.

Distribution. Previously known only from North America: Alaska, Northwest Territories (Victoria and Ellesmere Islands), California and Colorado.