Drymeia grisea sp. nov.

Figs. 10 A–G

Diagnosis. The species is very similar to D. setibasis (Huckett, 1965). Males of the new species can be distinguished as follows: prealar absent; eye bare; proboscis short; scutum with an elongated-triangular mark of light dust in front of scutellum and with light dust along lateral margins of scutum (viewed from behind); mid femur with a row of strong curved setae on ventral surface and another row on anteroventral surface at base; anterior surface with a row of setae on basal half that become setulose in apical half; with 3–4 short ventral spinules at middle; hind femur without posteroventrals; hind tibia on basal third with anterodorsal setae shorter then tibial depth; abdomen with dense grey dust, syntergite 1 + 2 wholly or half dusted like the other tergites, tergites 3–5 each with a narrow dark middle stripe that does not expand laterad along the hind-margins of the tergites.

Etymology. The species name refers to thick grey dust on abdomen and scutum.

Type material examined. Holotype male, RUSSIA: Altai Republic, Kosh-Agachskii raion, 8 km NE Maitobe Mt., 2420 m, 49 ° 34 'N 87 ° 43 'E, 6.vii. 2006, V. Sorokina (SZMN).

Paratypes: RUSSIA: 11 males, same data as holotype (1 male in OUMNH); 1 male, same data but 2450 m, 10.vii. 2006 (OUMNH); Altai Republic, Kosh-Agachskii raion: 1 male, 18 km SE Dzhazator, 2115 m, 49 ° 37 'N 87 ° 39 'E, m 5.vii. 2006, V. Sorokina; 3 males, upper part of Zhumaly River, Rodonovyi spring, 2412 m, 49 ° 27 'N 88 °03'E, 23,24. vii. 2005, V. Sorokina & T. Novgorodova, 3 males, 5.vii. 2008, A. Barkalov (1 male in OUMNH); 1 male, Ukok plateau, environs of Muzdy-Bulak lake, 2800–3000 m, 49.3 ºN 87.7 ºЕ, 2.vii. 2005, A. Barkalov; 2 males, south slope of Kurayskii range, 7 km NW Kuray village, 2251 m, 50 º 17 'N 87 º 51 'E, 17.vii. 2013, V. Sorokina. Tyva Republic: Morgun-Taiginskii kozhuun, 222 males and 25 females, environs of Mugur-Aksy, ~ 50 º 22 'N 90 ° 25 'E, 2000–2100 м, 22.vii. 1993, A. Barkalov; Tes-Khemskii kozhuun, 3 males, 15 km ENE Oo-Shynaa, ~ 500 m, 50 º 34 'N 94 º 21 'E, 17.vii. 1993, A. Barkalov. MONGOLIA: Khubsugulskii aimak, 1 male, 17 km N Shine- Idera, 21–22.vii. 1975, E. Narchuk (ZIN).

All the above paratypes are located in the SZMN except for 2 pairs from Altai Republic deposited in each of the following: ZIN, ZMUM, OUMNH, BMNH and BUIC.

Description. MALE. Length of body, 4.8–6.2 mm. Length of wing, 4.2 –5.0 mm.

Head: Ground-colour black. Eye bare. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial silvery-white pruinose; face grey, gena light grey and lower occiput greenish-grey pruinose. Fronto-orbital plates touching. Frons at narrowest point as wide as diameter of anterior ocellus. Ocellar setae very short. 15–18 pairs of frontal setae, including interstitials, reaching almost to anterior ocellus. Antenna black, postpedicel 1.5 times as long as wide. Arista swollen in basal sixth, appearing bare, the longest hairs much shorter than basal diameter of arista. Parafacial at level of insertion of arista slightly narrower than width of postpedicel, hardly narrowing below. Upper part of face without a small knob or carina between antennal bases. In lateral view, facial edge below level of profrons. Gena broad, depth below lowest eye-margin equal to length of postpedicel, densely setose and with a group of upcurved setae on anterior part of genal dilation. Palpus black. Proboscis short, prementum dusted.

Thorax: Ground-colour black. Scutum matt, black, viewed from in front with very indistinct dark brown vittae running inside and outside the line of the dorsocentrals; viewed from behind, scutum with an elongated-triangular mark of light dust in front of scutellum and with light dust along lateral margins of scutum. Ground-setulae short.

Pleura thinly dusted, with a shining patch anteriorly on katepisternum and medially on meron. Acrostichals 0+ 1, the presutural setulae in 4-5 irregular rows. Dorsocentrals 2 + 4. Prealar absent. Anepimeron and katepimeron bare. Notopleuron densely setulose. Prosternum bare. Katepisternal setae 1 + 1, with 2–3 stronger setulae below posterior seta. Scutellum black and dusted on margins in posterior view.

Legs: Black. Fore tibia with 2 submedian posteroventral seta. Fore tarsomeres 1–4 each with a short fine anteroventral and posteroventral hair at tip, and tarsomere 1 with 3–4 such hairs on shaft. Fore claws as long as length of tarsomere 5 or slight longer, thin and pointed. Mid femur slightly curved, with a row of strong curved setae on ventral surface and another row on anteroventral surface at base; anterior surface with a row of setae on basal half that become setulose on apical half; posteroventral surface with a row of fine short setae on apical half, not as long as femoral depth; with 3–4 short ventral spinules at middle; 0 anterior and 2 posterodorsal to posterior preapical setae. Mid tibia without anterodorsals and anteroventrals; 9–12 short and long posterodorsals and 3 posteroventrals. Mid tarsomeres 1–2 on posteroventral surface with a row of apically curved or straight hairs that are longer than tarsal depth. Hind femur without posteroventrals but with some fine setae on basal half of posterior surface; a full row of anteroventrals, those on apical half longer than femoral depth. Hind tibia with 5–9 posterodorsals on basal half; with a row of anterodorsals, those on basal third stronger but becoming shorter and more setulose towards apex of tibia; 2–4 anteroventrals; with a ventral apical prong, without strong preapical setae, except 2 anteroventral setae. Hind tarsomere 1 with 2 short ventral setae at base.

Wing: Yellowish-brown, darker at base. Basicosta and tegula black. Costa with weak spinules, without costal spine. Cross-vein r-m below the point where subcosta enters costa. Cross-vein dm-cu upright, almost straight, forming a right-angle with vein M. Calypters and margins yellow. Knob of haltere black.

Abdomen: Ground-colour black. Syntergite 1 + 2 wholly or half dusted like the other tergites, tergites 3–5 densely yellowish-grey dusted, each with narrow dark middle stripe that does not expand laterad along margins of tergites. Sternite 1 bare.

Terminalia: Figs 10 E–G.

FEMALE: Length of body, 4.2 –6.0 mm. Length of wing, 3.8 –5.0 mm.

Differs from the male as follows:

Head: Dichoptic. Head grey dusted. Frontal triangle inconspicuous, hardly reaching the crossed setae on frontal vitta. Ocellar setae strong. 5–6 pairs of inclinate frontal setae, including several interstitials; 3 pairs of orbital setae, the upper two pairs reclinate and exclinate, the lower pair proclinate and exclinate. Frontal vitta with a pair of strong crossed setae.

Thorax: Light grey dusted with an olive tinge, scutum with four distinct brown longitudinal vittae. Prealar absent or very short.

Legs: Fore tibia with 1 submedian posteroventral seta. All claws and pulvilli much shorter. Mid femur straight, anteroventral surface with 2 strong setae in basal quarter; posteroventral surface with or without 2–3 fine setae in basal half. Mid tibia with 2 anterodorsal setae, without anteroventrals; 5–6 posterodorsals and 2 short posteroventrals. Hind femur with 1–2 fine posteroventral setae in basal half. Hind tibia with 3 anteroventrals and 3–4 anterodorsals, with 3–4 posterodorsals.

Abdomen: All tergites yellowish-olive-grey dusted, without middle stripe.

Remark. Adults of this species are found on flowering plants.

Distribution. Russia: Altai-Sayan region. Mongolia.