Drymeia chillcotti (Huckett, 1965)

Figs. 3 F–K

Bebryx chillcotti Huckett, 1965 a: 302.

Drymeia chillcotti; Sorokina, 2012 a: 329.

Material examined. RUSSIA: Krasnoyarsky Krai, Taymyr Peninsula: 7 males and 1 female, 90 km NW Khatanga, valley of Zakharova-Rasokha River (left tributary of Novaya River), 72.7 ºN 101.08 ºE, 2–16.vii. 2011, A. Barkalov & V. Zinchenko; 2 males, Ary-Mas cordon, 72.5 ºN 101.94 ºE, 10–20.vii. 2010, A. Barkalov.

Remarks. A description of both sexes was given by Huckett (1965 a: 302–303). Adults of this species are found on flowering plants.

Distribution. This species was described from the Northwest Territories of Canada and from Alaska, and has recently been recorded from Russia (Sorokina 2012 a).