Abiskomyia virgo virgo Edwards

(Figs. 57 –58, 63– 75)

Abiskomyia virgo Edwards, 1937: 140; Thienemann 1937: 170, 1944: 563; Goetghebuer 1940–1950: 207; Lindeberg 1974:

160; Langton & Visser 2003: 237; Ashe & O’Connor 2012: 109.

Abiskomyia virgo Edwards; Pankratova 1970: 127 (misidentification); Linevich et al. 2002: 66 (misidentification). Material: 5 pupal exuviae (females), Finland, Kilpisjärvi Lake, about 100 km NE of Abisko, 28.VI. 1969, leg. L. Paasivirta & B. Lindeberg; 5 adult males, 9 pupal exuviae (males), Finland, Inarijärvi Lake, 28.VI. 1971, leg. P. Virtanen. This material was used in paper of B. Lindeberg (1974).

Adult male (n= 5)

Wing length 2.12–2.16 mm. Colouration brown, wing grey.

Head. Temporal setae 8–11, including outer verticals and postorbitals, inner verticals absent. Clypeus massive, with 7–12 setae. Antenna 720–800 µm long, with 13 flagellomeres and slightly reduced plume (Fig. 65); AR 0.81 –1.0. Palp usually with 4 palpomeres, length (in µm): 40 –60, 76–100, 60–68, 60– 84; single male with 3 palpomeres, length (in µm): 72, 88, 100.

Thorax. Dark brown, with lightly coloured oval area. Antepronotum with 8–11 lateral setae. Acrostichals 2–5, only in lightly coloured oval area; dorsocentrals 14–23; prealars 6–9; scutellars 14–26.

Wing. R with 6–7 setae, R 1 with 3–6 setae, R 4 + 5 with 2 setae subapically. Apex of R 4 + 5 distal of apex M 3 + 4. Cu 1 straight. Costa extension absent. Anal lobe slightly reduced (Fig. 64). Squama with 8–24 setae.

Legs. Light brown; ta 5 of all legs more dark. Spur of fore tibia 40–52 µm. Spurs of mid tibia 40–48 µm long, of hind tibia 48–60 µm and 32–48 µm long. Hind tibial comb absent. Length and proportions of leg segments as in Table 4.

Hypopygium (Figs. 63, 66– 67). Tergite IX with 34–40 setae; anal point, 32–40 µm long, narrow, subparallelsided, sometimes slightly widened apically and bare. Laterosternite IX with 7–9 setae on each side. Transverse sternapodeme 72–96 µm long, with small oral projections. Gonocoxite 224–244 µm long; inferior volsella as in Figs. 63, 67. Gonostylus 120–132 µm long, widest in basal part (48–52 µm), gradually narrowing towards tip, apical part slightly curved inwards, covered with setae, without crista dorsalis, megaseta absent.

Pupa (n= 14). Length of pupal exuviae 4.64–5.22 mm (males) and 4.32–4.60 mm (females). Pupal exuviae transparent.

Cephalothorax. Cephalic tubercles 48–80 µm (males) and 20–32 µm (females) long, with simple or sometimes divided into 2–3 branches frontal setae 164–188 µm (males) and 120–240 µm (females) long. Thoracic horn is similar to the same of A. korbokhon and A. rivalis, 304–368 µm (males) and 320–352 µm (females) long, tapering to point and covered with spinules except of basal part. Nearest of thoracic horn 3 divided into some branches precorneals. Median two antepronotals divided in to many branches. Lateral antepronotal setae not observed. Three dorsocentrals in group and Dc 4 arranged separately from group; Dc 1 with 2–4 branches (males) and 5–6 branches (females), Dc 2 with 1–4 branches (males and females), Dc 3 with 2–4 branches (males) and 3–6 branches (females), Dc 4 simple (males) and with 1–3 branches (females).

Abdomen. Shagreenation of tergites as in A. levanidovi but spines along posterior edge of tergites III–V located in pallid small spots at base. PSA on sternites IV–VII developed. Segment I without lateral setae. Segments II–VI with 3 pairs of lateral setae, segments VII with 2–3 pairs setae. Segment VIII with 0–1 pair of lateral setae. Anal lobe 288–352 µm long and 352–416 µm wide, with projection 28–52 µm long, bearing 2–7 filiform spinules mostly on apex (Figs. 58, 68,70– 75) Male genital sac extending beyond anal lobe (Figs. 57, 69).

Larva unknown.

Remarks. According to Thienemann (1954) (Spies, pers. comm.), V. Brehm in Austria reared A. virgo but larva was indistinguishable from that of A. paravirgo. However, till now nobody has described larva of this species based on rearing to the adult male or mature pupa.

Distribution. We believe this subspecies is known only from Lapland.