Billaea kolomyetzi Mesnil, 1970

Figs. 28 –31, 71, 80

Billaea kolomyetzi Mesnil, 1970: 121.— Herting 1984: 139 (catalog).— Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 359 (catalog).— Ziegler & Shima 1996: 428 (distribution).— Richter 2004: 352 (key).— Zhang et al. 2004: 127 (checklist).— O’Hara et al. 2009: 28 (catalog).

Billaea maritima of Kolomiets (nec Schiner 1862): Kolomiets 1966: 85 (misidentification).— Mesnil 1970: 121 (as misidentification).— Herting 1984: 139 (as misidentification; catalog).— Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 359 (as misidentification; catalog).

Diagnosis. Prementum 5–6 times as long as wide; arista pubescent; 2 katepisternal setae, basicosta reddish brown; fore claws and pulvilli short in male, abdomen broadly reddish yellow to brown.

Redescription. Body length 12–14 mm.

Male. Head (Figs. 71, 80). Frontal vitta and lunule dark brown; fronto-orbital plate, parafacial and upper occiput with grayish white pruinosity; gena reddish brown with grayish white pruinosity; antenna with pedicel and basal 1 / 4 – 1 / 5 of flagellomere 1 reddish yellow to reddish brown, dark brown on apical 3 / 4 – 4 / 5 of flagellomere 1; palpus reddish yellow. Vertex 0.20–0.23 of head width; frontal vitta well widened anteriorly, about 1.5 times as wide as fronto-orbital plate at middle; fronto-orbital plate with dense, fine, short black hairs; parafacial bare, 2.5–3 times as wide as flagellomere 1; facial carina low and short, at most on basal 1 / 2 of antenna; lower margin of face protruding forward; genal height 0.38–0.45 of eye height; 8–9 inclinate frontal setae; inner vertical seta less than 1 / 2 of eye height. Antenna short, flagellomere 1 2.0– 2.2 times as long as wide and about 3 times as long as pedicel; pedicel with a long seta which is about as long as flagellomere 1; arista distinctly longer than antenna, the pubescence about as wide as base of arista. Prementum 5–6 times as long as wide; palpus slightly longer than antenna.

Thorax. Black in ground color; dorsum and pleura with dense grayish pruinosity; scutum with 4 dark longitudinal vittae on presutural area and 5 vittae on postsutural area, presutural outer vitta about 1.5 times as wide as inner one. Four or five postpronotal setae, strong three basal setae set in a distinct triangle; 2–3 presutural and 2– 3 postsutural acrostichal setae; 3–4 presutural and 4 postsutural dorsocentral setae; 3 postsutural intra-alar setae; 4 supra-alar setae, anteriormost seta shorter than supra-alar seta; 2 katepisternal setae. Wing. Hyaline, slightly tinged with pale brown; tegula black, basicosta reddish yellow; lower calypter white; halter brownish yellow, apex yellowish white. Relative lengths of costal sectors of 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th approximately as 3: 4: 2; bend of vein M nearly right-angled, with short appendix; vein M from dm-cu crossvein to its bend about 2.2 times distance between the bend and wing margin. Legs. Black. Fore claws and pulvilli shorter than 5 th tarsomere; fore tibia with a row of short anterodorsal setae on basal 3 / 5 and 2 posterior setae; mid tibia with 1 anterodorsal seta, 2–3 posterodorsal setae and 1 ventral seta; hind tibia with 1 strong seta among row of rather closely set anterodorsal setae, 2–3 posterodorsal setae and 1 strong ventral seta.

Abdomen. Black, broadly reddish yellow to reddish brown on sides of tergites 2 to 4 and dark brown on longitudinal median portions and entire tergite 5, thinly covered with grayish pruinosity on dorsum, pruinosity denser on longitudinal median portions, tergites 4 and 5. Syntergite 1 + 2 and tergite 3 each with 1 lateral marginal seta, without median marginal setae; tergites 4 and 5 each with a row of marginal setae; tergites with recumbent black hairs, hairs on tergite 5 strong and suberect. Male terminalia (Figs. 28–31). Posterior lobe of sternite 5 wide, weakly pointed at apex of posterior lobe. Cerci short, narrowed at apical half, weakly separated at apex; surstylus long, narrowed apically in caudal view; postgonite subequal to basiphallus; distiphallus long, sclerotized basal part distinctly shorter than membranous apical part.

Female. Vertex 0.3–0.4 of head width, widened anteriorly; frontal vitta about as wide as fronto-orbital plate at narrowest point; genal height about 0.5 of eye height; flagellomere 1 2.0– 2.5 times as long as wide and pedicel; inner vertical setae about 0.7 times as long as eye height, outer vertical seta 0.7–0.8 times as long as inner vertical seta, ocellar setae stronger than frontal setae, 2 proclinate orbital setae, 1 upwardly directed prevertical seta; abdomen ovoid, dark brown in ground color, reddish brown only on sides of syntergite 1 + 2 and tergite 3, dorsum of tergites 3 to 5 densely covered with grayish white pruinosity except black posterior margin of each tergite, a narrowly grayish white pruinose median longitudinal vitta distinct; abdominal tergite 3 with 2 median marginal. Other characters are same as in male.

Type material examined. Holotype ♂, POLAND, Bialowieski Park Narodowy [as “Bialowieska”], (CNC).

Other material examined. CHINA. Heilongjiang: 3 ♂♂, Tuqiang, 22.vii. 1989, M.-L. Sheng. Jilin: 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, Daxinggou, Wangqing, Yanbian, collected in yellow Pan trap, 27.vii– 11.viii. 2005 (SYNU). RUSSIA: 1 ♂, Russian Far East, Ussuria, Primor’ye 30 km W. of Cherayshevka, 250–450 m, 24.vii. 1990, T. Saigusa (KUM).

Distribution. China (Heilongjiang, Jilin), Europe (Scandinavia, E Poland), N Russia, W Siberia, Russian Far East (Ussuria, Sakhalin).

Remarks. Billaea kolomyetzi is distinguished from other species of Billaea in having broad vertex with 0.20– 0.23 of head width, undeveloped facial carina, pubescent arista, 4 dark longitudinal vittae on presutural scutum, 2 katepisternal setae, fore tibia with 2 posterior setae, abdomen reddish yellow to brown on sides of tergites 2 to 4, and tergites 3 and 4 covered with grayish white pruinosity with a dark median vitta.