Libellula coahuiltecana sp. nov. Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano

(Figs 1, 2 – 6)

Etymology. The name is to be considered a noun in apposition and refers to the Coahuiltecans, an indigenous group who inhabited the territory of the present day States of Coahuila and Nuevo León in México and southern Texas in USA.

Type material. Total: 9 ♂ 1 ♀. Holotype ♂: México, Coahuila State, Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza, Rancho Orozco, pond Tío Candido (26 ° 52 ’ 10.94 ’’ N, 102 ° 4 ’ 41.72 ’’ W, 720 m), 5 July 2013, leg. H. Ortega-Salas; paratypes: 1 ♀, México, Coahuila State, Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza. Rancho PRONATURA, pond Quintero (26 ° 48 ’ 20.38 ’’ N, 102 ° 1 ’ 1.22 ’’ W, 718 m) 26 April 2013, leg. M. Trujano-Ortega; 2 ♂, same data as holotype (H. Ortega-Salas); 3 ♂, México, Coahuila State, Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza. Rancho PRONATURA, mesquite forest (26 ° 48 ’ 34.67 ’’ N, 102 ° 1 ’ 10.21 ’’ W, 727 m), 8 July 2013, leg. H. Ortega-Salas; 2 ♂, México, Coahuila State, Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza. Rancho PRONATURA, Poza Azul 1 (26 ° 49 ’ 38.4 ’’, 102 °01’ 27.8 ’’), 8 July 2013, leg. H. Ortega-Salas; 1 ♂,, Mexico, Coahuila state, Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza. Rancho Orozco, pond Tío Candido (26 ° 53 ’ 27.72 ’’ N, 102 ° 5 ’ 10.82 ’’ W, 722 m), 9 July 2013, leg. H. Ortega-Salas.

Type specimens are deposited in the Colección Nacional de Insectos (CNIN), Instituto de Biología, UNAM (IBUNAM).

Holotype male. Head. Labium cream; labrum reddish, pale in basal 0.2; anteclypeus reddish brown; postclypeus and frons red; vertex red, black basally; antenna black; occipital triangle brown; eyes (in life) reddish above, blue-gray below.

Thorax. Prothorax: anterior and middle lobes pale reddish, basally black; hind lobe pale. Pterothorax: mesepisternum red, mesepimeron reddish brown, remainder of thorax pale brown laterally, humeral and metapleural sutures washed with dark brown at upper 0.25. Legs pale brown; dashes of brown at distal end of femora, tibiae darker especially at inner surfaces, armature black.

Wings: Mostly hyaline with orange-red markings as follows. In FW a basal spot extending from base to subtriangle, in HW the same spot extending from base to triangle; spot at nodus reaching bridge below; costal and subcostal areas and tips of wings suffused with same color (Fig. 2). One cubito-anal Cx in all wings; Ax in FW 14, in HW 12 (L) and 10 (R); Px in Fw 8 (L) and 9 (R), in HW 10 (L) and 9 (R); FW triangle with 4 (L) and 3 (R) Cx, HW triangle with a single Cx; FW subtriangle with 5 (L) and 6 (R) cells; FW discoidal field starting with 4 cell rows for a space of one cell length, then decreasing to 3 rows at commencement of Rspl, at hind margin increasing to 12 (LFW) and 11 (RFW) rows, 3 paranal cells in HW; FW bridge Cx 2, HW bridge Cx 1; FW Pt orange, 4.62 mm long, with 3 (R) or (4) Cx immediately below, in HW 4.81 mm long with 3 Cx immediately below.

Abdomen. Abdomen orange. Dorsum of S 1 and narrow latero-basal stripe on S 10 dark brown. Latero-apical spots of same color on S 8 and S 9. In ventral view abdomen gradually narrowing toward apex. S 4 about as long as its basal width (ratio width/length= 0.97) in ventral view. In lateral view anterior lamina lower than hamule and genital lobe, genital lobe high and rounded; hamule bifurcate, inner branch narrow, vertically raised, ending in an externally directed recurved black tooth; outer branch low, rounded (Fig. 3). Vesica spermalis: segment 4 highly sclerotized with lateral lobes long, tubular, directed caudally, with tips converging medially, median lobe with two very thin wirelike cornua directed ventrally (Fig 4). Cercus with a row of seven denticles along its lower margin, tip slightly upturned in lateral view (Fig. 5); cercus length 2.73; epiproct length 2.36.

Dimensions: Total length 47.89; abdomen length 31.7; FW length 36.58; HW length 34.89; HW maximum width 10.52

Variation in male paratypes (n= 8): Little variation observed in male paratypes except for wing venation as follows:

Ax in FW 13–17, in Hw 9–12; Px in FW 8–11, in Hw 9–11; triangle with 2–3 Cx in FW; FW subtriangle with 3–6 cells; FW discoidal field starting with 3–4 rows of cells then increasing to 10–13 at hind margin, HW starting with 3–4 rows increasing to 11–14 at hind margin; bridge Cx, 1–3 in Fw and 1–4 in Hw; Pt 4.19–4.91 in Fw, 4.39–5.04 in Hw, 2– 4 Cx behind Pt in FW, 3–4 in HW.

S 4 width-length ratio 0.87–1.08 (1.07); cerci 2.58–2.88 (2.77); epiproct 2.17–2.36 (2.26)

Dimensions: Total length 44.8–49.6 (48.3); abdomen 29.2–33.3 (31.9); FW 34.7–38.2 (37.0); HW 33.2–36.3 (35.4); HW maximum width 9.7–11.7 (11.0).

Female paratype (young specimen): Head: Labrum cream, rest of the head yellowish brown, rear of vertex, antennae and adjacent areas dark brown, occiput light brown.

Thorax: Entirely tan but mesepisternum suffused with light brown; legs yellow, apex of femora and remainder of leg dark brown, armature black; legs yellow at base to light brown at tarsi;

Wings with orange patches as in male although lighter; Ax in FW 14, 9 in HW; Px in FW 8, in HW 9 (left) and 8 (right); FW subtriangle with 5 (left) and 4 (right) cells; bridge Cx 2 in FW, 1 (left) and 3 (right) in HW; Pt 4.85 in FW, 4.95 in HW; 2 Cx behind pterostigma in FW, 3 in HW.

Abdomen: pale brown, S 4–9 with a narrow middorsal black stripe (diffuse on S 4 and S 8–9); S 8 flanked with narrow ventrolateral flaps. Cercus length 1.48. Vulvar lamina "V" shaped with two nipplelike structures at base (Fig. 6).

Dimensions: Total length 44.72; abdomen length 28.71; FW length 36.78; HW length 34.45; HW maximum length 11.67.