Praearchitipula abnormis (Hao & Ren, 2009) —comb. nov.

(Fig. 2)

Architipula abnormis Hao & Ren, 2009: 172, figs 1–9.

Remarks. Architipula abnormis Hao & Ren, 2009 from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou (China) was previously regarded as a member of the Limoniidae. After re-examining the holotype of A. abnormis, we found that the cross-vein sc-r was omitted in the original description (Fig. 2). It has a presectoral position and we propose to transfer this species from Limoniidae to Pediciidae.

This species corresponds mostly to the generic characters of Praearchitipula Kalugina, 1985, such as Rs bifurcating into a long R 2 + 3 and a short R 4 + 5; cross-vein r-m between R 5 and M 1 + 2. It differs from other species of Praearchitipula in the shorter length of d-cell, which is about 1 / 13 the length of wing.