Pelecocera tricincta Meigen

Differential diagnosis. Pelecocera tricincta is similar to P. pergandei as both have a shiny pleuron, narrow frons and yellow markings on abdomen of both sexes, but it differs from the latter by a yellow postpronotum (black in P. pergandei) and male with eyes approximating each other half way between antennal insertions and anterior ocellus (male of P. pergandei has almost parallel eye margins). Sack (1932) and Bartsch et al. (2009) provide a full description of the species.

Distribution. Palaearctic species ranging from Fennoscandia south to Iberia; from Britain (southern England) eastwards through much of Europe (including Italy, northern parts of the Balkans) into European parts of Russia and the Caucasus, through Siberia to Cis-Baikal (Speight 2013).

Material examined. GERMANY: Baden-Württemberg, Königsfeld im Schwarzwald, 17.viii. 1920 [1 ♂, ZMHB]; Baden-Württemberg, Küßnach bei Tiengen, NSG Orchideenwiese, 600–620 m, 19.vii. 1990, D. Doczkal, malaise trap [1 ♂ 1 ♀, ZFMK]; Berlin, 3854, S. Erichson [1 ♂, ZMHB]; Hessen, Trendelburg-Eberschütz, Bunter Berg, 9– 1996, M. Kuhlmann et al., malaise trap [1 ♂ 1 ♀, ZFMK]; Bremen, Rekumer Geest, 24.vii. 1998, J.-H. Stuke [1 ♂ 1 ♀, ZFMK]; Lower Saxony, Ostfriesland, Wittmunder Wald, 07.vii. 1998, J.-H. Stuke [1 ♂ 3 ♀, ZFMK]; Hbg. (Hamburg?), 24.vii. 1874, R. Oberthür [2 ♀, ZFMK]; Schleswig-Holstein, Sylt, Rantum, 3.vii. 1975, C. Claußen [1 ♂ 1 ♀, ZFMK]. POLAND: Lower Silesian Province, Grafenort (Gorzanów), 12.ii. 1929, Havelsda [1 ♀, ZMHB]; Lower Silesian Province, Wroclaw, Sulistrowice, 1910, Duda [1 ♀, ZMHB].