Gymnalloptes lacrimosus sp. nov.

(Figs. 1–5)

Type material. Male holotype (DZUNESP-RC # 3105), 3 male, 7 female and 3 nymphal paratypes from Opisthocomus hoazin (Müller, 1776) (Opisthocomiformes: Opisthocomidae), BRAZIL, Pará State, Fazenda Fartura, 09° 40 ′S / 50 ° 23 'W, Santana do Araguaia, 0 8 September 2013, D.V. Boas-Filho coll. (# 1110); other paratypes: 1 male and 2 females, same data (# 1111), 1 male, same data (# 1112); 1 male, same host, BRAZIL, Rondônia State, Machadinho d’Oeste 08° 56 ' 48 ′′S / 61 ° 59 ′ 54 ′′W, 0 8 October 2014 (#MC 153), F. Schunck & V.Q. Piacentini colls.

Depository. Holotype, 4 male, 7 female and 3 nymph paratypes at DZUNESP-RC; 2 male and 2 female paratypes at ZISP.

Description. MALE (holotype, range for 4 paratypes in parentheses). Gnathosoma not modified, subcapitulum square-shaped. Idiosoma, length × width, 355 × 158 (345–353 × 148–168), length of hysterosoma 237 (222–233). Prodorsal shield: roughly rectangular plate, 63 (59–65) long, 29 (29–32) wide, with pair of longitudinal ridges divergent posteriorly, posterior end almost extending to level of scapular setae. Setae se situated on soft tegument, separated by 67 (64–69). Scapular shields narrow. Humeral shields narrow. Hysteronotal shield represented by two pieces: anterior piece shaped as inverted tear-drop, and posterior piece covering opisthosomal lobes and extending anterior as narrow median band with acute anterior end. Length of anterior piece 98 (91–95), greatest width 70 (67–74). Length of posterior piece from anterior tip to bases of setae h 3 94 (91–101). Supranal concavity present, narrowly ovate. Median hysteronotal setae c 1, d 1, e 1 and h 1 absent. Setae c 2, d 2, e 2 situated on soft tegument. Metapodosomal shields present, fused laterally to epimerites IV, and posteriorly with corresponding opisthoventral shields. Opisthosomal lobes small, tongue-shaped, about 2.5 times longer than wide at base, separated by narrow almost rectangular terminal cleft, distal halves of lobes bearing complex of lobar setae (h 2, h 3, ps 1, ps 2, f 2) poorly sclerotized (membranous). Length of terminal cleft 41 (32–43), width 11 (9–12). Distance between dorsal setae: c 2: d 2 90 (92–97), d 2: e 2 70 (64–71), e 2: h 3 42 (38–47), c 2: c 2 113 (107–122), d 2: d 2 60 (51–69), e 2: e 2 50 (43–51), h 2: h 2 36 (32–33), h 3: h 3 28 (25–27).

Epimerites I fused into a Y, sternum about ½ of length of these epimerites. Area between free parts of epimerites I and coxal fields II without sclerotization. Epimerites IIIa long, their anterior ends acute, without sclerotized areas, widely separated from each other, bearing bases of setae 4 b on their tips. Epimerites IVa long, bow shaped, their anterior ends acute, extending to midlevel of trochanters IV. Genital apparatus elongate, 37 (34– 37) long, 17 (13–15) wide at base, its midlevel approximately at level of setae 4 b. Setae g situated posterior to level of setae 3 a. Adanal suckers circular, 13 (12–14) in diameter, corolla with numerous denticles. Distance between ventral setae: 4 b: 4 b 39 (41–49), 4 b: 3a 22 (19–23), 4 b: g 5 (5–12), g: ps 3 95 (102–108), ps 3: ps 1 61 (58–65).

Tibiae of legs I–IV with pair of small apico-ventral spines. Tarsi I, II similar in size, without apico-dorsal extension. Tibiae I, II without apico-dorsal extension. Ambulacral discs of tarsi I, II ovate, subequal, discs of tarsi III, IV ovate, about half the size of those on tarsi I, II. Ambulacral stalk of tarsus I approximately 1.5 times longer than on tarsus II. Setae vF of femora I with membranous extension in basal part, setae vF of femora II filiform. Length of legs, excluding ambulacrum: III 198 (182–203), IV 202 (194–206. Tarsus III 62 (58–64) long. Tarsus IV with short apical extension, 62 (59–63) long, setae d, e minute stick-like (Fig. 3 D).

FEMALE (range for 5 paratypes). Idiosoma, length × width, 382–402 × 163–177, length of hysterosoma 253– 266. Prodorsal shield as in male, posterior margin with small median extension, 66–71 long, 31–34 wide. Distance between scapular setae se 71–76. Scapular shields narrow. Hysteronotal shield shaped as inverted tear-drop similar to anterior piece of hysteronotal shield in male, length along midline 115–127, greatest width 59–65. Posterior margin of opisthosoma shallowly concave between bases of setae h 3 situated on small conical extensions. Distance between dorsal setae: c 2: d 2 117–122, d 2: e 2 71 –82, e 2: h 3 38–48, c 2: c 2 118–129, d 2: d 2 71–87, e 2: e 2 53 –62, h 2: h 2 42–49, h 3: h 3 24–31.

Epimerites I fused into a Y, sternum about ½ of length of these epimerites. Epimerites IIIa wide. Epimerites IVa present. Bases of trochanters III, IV flanked by narrow sclerotized bands. Epigynum bow-shaped, almost semicircular, bearing bases of setae 4 b, 19–21 long, 39–44 wide. Apodemes of oviporus with long and narrow posterior extensions, reaching midlevel of trochanters III. Setae g situated posterior to level of coxal setae 3 a. Copulatory opening situated ventrally, on small cone-like extension posterior to anal opening. Distance between ventral setae: 4 b: g 31 –35, 4b: 3a 33 – 38, g: 4a 51 – 58.

Legs I, II as in male. Seta sR III filiform, shorter than corresponding femoragenu. Setae kT III shorter than corresponding tibiae. Tarsus III 68 –71 long, tarsus IV 74 –79 long. Ambulacral discs of tarsi III, IV ovate, about half the length of those of tarsi I, II. Ambulacral stalks of tarsi III, IV about 1.5 times longer than corresponding ambulacral discs. Setae d of tarsi III, IV filiform, much shorter than corresponding segments.

Differential diagnosis. The new species, Gymnalloptes lacrimosus sp. n., is referred to the genus Gymnalloptes in a conservative way. According to the generic diagnosis given by Gaud and Atyeo (1981), the hysteronotal shield in females of this genus is absent. This generic character is based on the single species previously included. We suggest that this character can vary in Gymnalloptes, as it takes place in closely related ingrassiine genera, like Ingrassia Oudemans and Leptosphyra Hull, where among species it can vary from a large median plate to a very small sclerite (Gaud 1972; Vasyukova & Mironov 1991).

Gymnalloptes lacrimosus sp. n. clearly differs from G. p a l l e n s by the following features: in both sexes, the prodorsal shield has no posterior subtegumental processes, hysteronotal setae d 1, e 1, are absent; in males, the hysteronotal shield is split transversally into anterior and posterior pieces (shaped as an inverted tear-drop and an inverted Y, respectively), the opisthosomal lobes are 2.5–3 times longer than wide at base and with tongue-shaped membranous apices, the terminal cleft is well developed with parallel sides, the opisthogastric shield between the genital apparatus and anal field is absent; in females, the hysteronotal shield is shaped as inverted tear-drop, the epigynum is narrow, almost semicircular; and the apodemes of oviporus are narrow and extend to the level of trochanters III.

In both sexes of Gymnalloptes pallens, the prodorsal shield has a pair of short and acute subtegumental processes on the posterior margin; in males, the hysteronotal shield is entire with a deeply concave anterior margin, the opisthosomal lobes are poorly developed with small semicircular membranes on posterior margins, the terminal cleft is small with margins almost touching each other, the median area of the hysterosoma has a long opisthogastric shield flanking the genital apparatus posteriorly and anal field anteriorly; in females, the hysteronotal shield is absent, the epigynum is shaped as wide and slightly curved bow, the apodemes of oviporus are wide and almost extend to the level of trochanters IV.

Etymology. The specific epithet lacrimosus (from L. lacrima, tear-drop) refers to the shape of the anterior part of the hysteronotal shield.