Askoella helіostoma Jankowskі, 1967 b: 87

(Fig. 2 D)

Ciliate parasiting the mantle cavity of barnacles. Body oval, light, filled with food vacuoles. The apical region of the body is tapered, the antapical bearing the characteristic groove which leads into a long convoluted canal ending near rosette. There are 3 short kineties in the canal. The rosette septae are radial. On the ventral region of the cell, 2 elongated right-and 3 left-handed kineties are located. On the dorsal side of the body two kineties are present, one on the right and other on the left side. The anterior cytostome possess one right side haplokinety and two polykineties on the bottom of cytostomal fossa. Macronucleus is U-shaped, long, large, irregular.

Measurements (in µm): Body length 35, width 25 (after Jankowskі, 1967 b).

Type host: Semibalanus balanoides.

Type locality: the Barents Sea near Murmansk (Russia).