Grellaphia Schmidt, 1920: 51.

Type-species by monotypy: Grellaphia costalis Schmidt, 1920.

Distribution. Philippines islands.

Diagnosis. Tylus distinct, strongly and conically produced, at least half as long to as long as pronotum; eyes flattened (Figs 7 A–B); antennal ledge very broad before antennal pit, bearing 2 small setae in a vertical row close to lower angle; postpedicel as in Beesoniella, but with peglike sensillum set in broad, septate area at tip of postpedicel (fig. 20 D in Hamilton 2014); tegminal costa longitudinally grooved; fore femur one-third longer than hind femur; pectens of hind tibiae with 7 black-tipped spines, those of tarsomeres each with 5 such spines. Male subgenital plates short, appearing as ventral pair of 3 pairs of pygofer processes (Fig. 15 A); lateral pygofer processes prominent, stout, hooked inwards (Fig. 15 B); theca very short and stout, rastrate, apex strongly produced more than length of shaft (Figs 15–16 D). Ovipositor with 2 nd valvulae slender, 5–6 × as long as broad, fused beyond midlength, with at most obscure teeth (Hamilton 2014, fig. 17 E). Length: 5–8 mm.

Included taxa. Two species, one of which is described below.