Cyamophiliopsis spiraee (Konovalova, 1979) comb. nov.

Psylla spiraee Konovalova 1979: 7; Gegechkori & Loginova 1990: 77.

Psylla mirabilis Konovalova 1987: 33, replacement name for Psylla spiraeae Konovalova, 1979 nec Aulmann 1913; 1988: 31, objective synonym of Psylla spiraee Konovalova, 1979, synonymised by Gegechkori & Loginova 1990: 77.

Host plant. Spiraea betulifolia (Konovlova 1979).

Distribution. Russia: Kamchatka (Konovalova 1979).

Comments. In the homonymy replacement by Konovalova (1987), two mistakes were made. First, the original spelling of the name, “ Psylla spiraee ”, by Konovalova (1979) makes it actually different from “ Psylla spiraeae ” to which it should be homonymous. Second, Aulmann (1913) had no authority of the name “ Psylla spiraeae ”, which was an unpublished manuscript name by Becker, attached to the type specimen of P. sarmatica, and mentioned by Löw (1882) in the original description of the species. We conclude that “ Psylla spiraeae Becker ” is not an available name, so whether Konovalova’s original spelling was correct or not, it is not homonymous with any name. “ Spiraee ” is here considered as an incorrect latinization, and according to International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 32.4 and 32.5. 1, should be kept.