Heterangaeus gloriosus gloriosus (Alexander, 1924)

Alexander, 1924: 569 (as Polyangeus gloriosus); Alexander, 1938: 151 (as Heterangaeus gloriosus); Ishida, 1958: 39 (as Heterangaeus gloriosus); Savchenko, 1989: 32 (as Heterangaeus gloriosus); Savchenko, Oosterbroek, Starý, 1992: 195 (as Heterangaeus gloriosus); Oosterbroek, 2015 (as Heterangaeus gloriosus gloriosus)

General body coloration of male yellowish ochreous. Body length of male 7.2–9.3 mm, wing length 8.8–10.8 mm. Body length of female about 11 mm, wing length 10.8 mm.

Head dark brown, vertex somewhat lighter. Antenna very short, male antenna 0.70–0.85 mm, female antenna 1.05 mm long. Scape black, pedicel brownish black, flagellum light yellow. Flagellomeres subglobular. Rostrum and palpus brownish black.

Thorax generally yellowish. Pronotum with distinct dark brown longitudinal stripe dorsally surrounded by ochreous laterally. Mesonotal prescutum yellowish ochreous with three longitudinal reddish brown stripes, which are nearly confluent. Scutal lobes reddish brown frontally. Scutellum and mediotergite yellow. Pleuron generally yellow, indistinctly darkened below wing base. Wing (Fig. 1) with distinct cross-banded pattern. Dark spots surrounded by darker margins. Most distinct dark spots: at wing base, central cross-band surrounding base of Rs and extra cross-vein in cell m and distal cross-band surrounding cord; all distal cross-veins also surrounded by dark, but cross-veins themselves are surrounded by somewhat lighter areas; large spot surrounds distal ends of CuA 2 and A 1; separate large spot at apex of A 2. Cell cu with six or seven small spots, having lighter central nuclei. Size, shape and number of these spots variable among specimens. Costal cell generally dark basally, transparent beyond central cross-band. Largest transparent “windows“: basal, between basal wing spot and central cross-band, framed from all sides, frontally dark stripe extending along costal cell, but leaving light “window“ in cell sc, posteriorly all area between vein Cu and false vein is darkened; central light “window“, between central cross-band and band at cord, it starts at frontal wing margin and extends all the way to vein Cu posteriorly; distal, complicatedly shaped “window“ beyond cord, and posterior “window“ in anal cells, nearly separated into two separated spots by extensive darkening at tip of A 2. Venation: vein Sc 1 very long, reaching beyond branching point of R 2 + 3 and R 4. Vein Sc 2 is situated distinctly before base of Rs. Base of Rs angulated but not spurred. Base of R 2 + 3 distinctly angulated with long spur. Additional cross-veins in cells r 3, r 4, m 1 and m. Cell m 1 with short stem, discal cell comparatively wide, less than twice as long as wide. Additional cross-vein in cell m originates very slightly before base of Rs. Basal deflection of CuA 1 distinctly beyond branching point of M. Both anal veins strongly divergent. Vein A 2 slightly wavy. Posterior wing margin just slightly wavy, small incisions are only at the apexes of both anal veins. Anal angle rounded, medium-wide, widest in central part. Stem of halter pale, knob slightly darkened. Length of male halter 1.25–1.63 mm, that of female 1.8 mm. Frontal coxa yellow, middle and posterior coxae slightly darkened. Trochanters yellow with slightly darkened distal ends. Femorae yellow, tips broadly and very conspicuously brownish black. Tibiae yellow with tips broadly brownish black. Basal segment of tarsus yellow with narrowly darkened tip, second tarsal segment yellow basally with widely darkened distal part, remaining tarsal segments dark brown. Male femur I: 4.8–5.5 mm, II: 5.1 –6.0 mm, III: 5.0– 6.2 mm, tibiae I: 5.1– 6.1 mm, II: 5.1–6.1 mm, III: 5.0– 6.7 mm, tarsus I: 7.0–9.0 mm, II: 6.3–7.4 mm, III: 6.5–7.2 mm long. Female femur I: 5.2 mm, II: 6.0 mm, tibiae I: 5.8 mm, II: 5.9 mm, tarsus I: 7.5 mm, II: 6.1 mm long.

Table 2. Distribution of genus Heterangaeus (8 species worldwide).

H. mongolicus Podenas, Podeniene, Gelhaus (2014) North-Central Mongolia

H. pallidellus Alexander, 1933 Japan, Honshu island

H. spectabilis Alexander, 1925 Japan, Honshu island Male abdomen generally brown. Basal tergites somewhat lighter than distal, lateral margins of basal tergites with indistinct pale spots. Basal sternites yellow with narrowly darkened posterior margins. Distal sternites the same color as tergites. Male genitalia dark brown. Ninth tergite with posterior margin nearly straight. Gonocoxite (Fig. 3) with wide distal end covered by short black spines. One pair of gonostyli. Gonostylus (Fig. 2) elongated, fleshy club-shaped lobe with strong subapical black spine; margin on the opposite (frontal) side covered with few fine setae. Interbase (Fig. 4) horn-shaped, slightly arched.

Period of activity. Single specimen in North Korea was captured in mid-July, but Savchenko and Krivolutskaya (1976) wrote that species is active during most of the vegetation period and, most probably, has two overlapping generations during the season in South Kuriles and South Sakhalin, Far East of Russia.

Habitat. No habitat data are recorded for Korean specimen. Species can be found flying in broad-leaved and mixed forests among shrubs on wet rocky slopes and river margins in South Kuriles and South Sakhalin, Far East of Russia (Savchenko, Krivolutskaya 1976).

Distribution. Species is known from North Korea, Sakhalin and Kuril islands of Far East of Russia, and Honshu island of Japan (Oosterbroek 2015).

Examined material. Photograph of slide mounted female, North Korea, Paiktusan, Chonsani, altitude 3,700 feet [about 1,130 m], 1937.07. 14, coll. M. Yankovsky. Also compared with photograph of slide mounted male paratype, [Russia, Saghalien island], Shimizu, 1922.07. 27, coll. T. Esaki (topotypic) and 6 ♂, 1 ♀ (pinned), [Aomori, Japan], Ichinowatari Path, Hirosaki City, May 22, 2010, T. Nakamura leg.