Camacolaimus falklandiae Allgén, 1959

(Fig. 14)

Type material. Lectotype female (slide # Type- 8738) deposited in the invertebrate type collection of the Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Specimen is completely dried out and is in poor condition.

Female. Body slender, fusiform; strongly ventrally curved upon fixation, especially so along tail. Cuticle, lateral field, body pores, epidermal glands and subcephalic, cervical and somatic sensilla cannot be observed. Anterior body end obscure. Nerve ring, hemizonid and secretory-excretory system cannot be observed. Posterior part of pharynx glandular. Reproductive system indistinct. Caudal glands indistinct. Spinneret acute.

Discussion. Description and illustrations of this species match superficially the diagnosis of the family Camacolaimidae, in particular the genera Deontolaimus and Procamacolaimus in presence of single dorsal onchiostyle and paired female reproductive system (Allgén 1959: 168, Fig. 174 a–b). Recent observations failed to add any more morphological data to the original description. Absence of males prevents from more precise identification of this species. It is considered species inquirenda et incerta sedis within the family Camacolaimidae.