Genus Neotanais Beddard, 1886

Diagnosis. For females, see Weigmann & Guerrero-Kommritz (2009: 21)

Gender. Masculine

Type species. Neotanais americanus Beddard, 1886

Generic remarks. According to Larsen (2005) and Bamber (2007) the following combination of characters have been useful to distinguish the species (females): relative length/width (l/w) of cephalothorax, pereonites, pleotelson, cheliped propodus, antennae, and uropods; the shape of pleonal ventral keel; number of cheliped dorsal carpal setae; the l/w of the cheliped fixed finger and dactylus; proportions of article 1 and relative lengths of the distal articles of the antennule; relative length of the uropod exopod with the first article of the uropod endopod and the adult size.