8. Pegomya tabida (Meigen, 1826)

(Figs 31, 40, 49, 58, 70)

Anthomyia tabida Meigen, 1826: 180. Meigen plate 207, fig. 1 [♂] (Morge 1976 b).

Pegomya tabida (Meigen). Hennig 1973 c: 643, text fig. 593 (mislabeled as P. zonata !), table figs 758, 900, 980; Hackman 1976: 133; Hackman & Meinander 1979: 74; Wu & Zhang 1988: 349.

Pegomya (Phoraea) tabida (Meigen). Griffiths, 1983: 254, figs 341, 355‒358.

For further synonymy and references, see Hennig (1973 c) and Griffiths (1983).

Description. Different from P. zonata as follows: Male. Body colour more variable: Newly emerged males are wholly yellow except darker on upper occiput and postpedicel, but they turn darker by age and in a couple of days attain the same body colour as male of P. zonata except for the bright yellow scape, pedicel and palp. Even postpedicel often yellow on inner basal part. Setation on postgena all golden yellow, or at most with a few black setae at margin of peristome. Legs entirely yellow, or with traces of darkening on p surface of fore femur. Mid tibia with submedian ad seta very reduced or absent. Terminalia (Figs 31, 40, 49, 58): Sternite V with projecting inner lamella smaller; cerci apically with a loose brush of longish setae; other diagnostic characters are provided by the surstyli and gonites in particular. Female. Antennal scape and pedicel bright yellow, postpedicel dark with a yellow patch on inner basal part. Palp yellow. Setation on postgena all golden yellow. Thorax yellow, at the most with a narrow median dark stripe on scutum and postnotum, respectively. Legs, including tarsi, entirely yellow. Hind femur with 4‒5 av setae on distal two-thirds and 0-2 short pv setae on middle third. Oviscapt (Fig. 70) shorter and with broader sternite VIII pieces, in agreement with description given for P. scapularis except: Sternite VIII pieces narrowed on posterior, sensilla-bearing part; hypoproct bare apart from apical and shorter subapical pair of setae.

Material examined. [FMNH, MZLU, NHMO, ZMUB, ZMUC]. CZECH REPUBLIC: South Bohemia. DENMARK: E Jutland, NE Jutland, Lolland & Falster & Møn, NE Zealand. FINLAND: Regio aboensis, Ny landia, Karelia australis, Tavastia australis, Tavastia borealis, Savonia borealis, K uusamo. NORWAY: Møre & Romsdal, Nord-Trøndelag, Nordland. RUSSIA: Karelia, Moscow. SWEDEN: Skåne, Halland, Småland, Öland, Gotland, Närke, Södermanland, Värmland, Dalarna, Jämtland, Norrbotten, Lule Lappmark.

Distribution. PALEARCTIC. Northern and central Europe from Fennoscandia to the Czech Republic. Outside Europe only recorded from China: Shaanxi (Wu & Zhang 1988). NEARCTIC. Distribution pronouncedly disjunct, Alaska and Appalachians respectively (see Griffiths 1983 for details).

Biology. In southern Finland (Hackman 1976, Hackman & Meinander 1979, Ståhls et al. 1989) reared from larvae in bolete sporocarps of the Leccinum scabrum species group (Boletaceae). Bruns (1984) recorded Pegomya sp(p). of the tabida group from Boletus edulis in Minnesota.