Nanna loewi (Becker, 1894)

Figs 129–133.

loewi Becker, 1894: 123 (Pselaphephila). Type-locality: Poland.

carbonarium Hendel, 1930: 11 (Amaurosoma). Type-locality: “Klutchi” (Russia, Kamchatka Kray).

Remarks. Recorded by Hendel (1930: 11, as Amaurosoma carbonarium) for the Russian Far East.

Material examined. Ya k u t i a: Oktemtsy (61.6737 N 129.4213 E), 4 and 15.VI. 1978, Vinokurov, Bagachanova (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ZMUM).

Diagnostic description. Body-length about 6 mm. Head. Frons reddish-yellow. 3 orbital setae present. Antenna black. Postpedicel with acutely angled upper apical corner, approximately 2.5–3 times as long as wide. Thorax black, extensively grey dusted. Proepisternum with hairs in central part. Katepisternum with 3 strong black setae. Legs. All coxae blackish; femora blackish, but yellow apically; tibiae yellow. Fore femur with 4–5 setae anteriorly (Fig. 129). Wing tinged with yellowish. Abdomen black, greyish dusted. Male sternite 4 rectangular, approximately 2 times as long as wide (Fig. 130). Male sternite 5 with blackish lobes, as in Fig. 131. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 132, 133.

Distribution. Russia: Kamchatka Kray, Yakutia.—North America.