Nanna leucostoma (Zetterstedt, 1846)

Figs 123–128.

leucostoma Zetterstedt, 1846: 2063 (Cordylura). Type-locality: “Lapponia Lulensi ad Qvickjock” (Sweden).

Remarks. Reported by Humala & Polevoi (2009: 71) from Karelia and by Ozerov & Krivosheina (2014 b: 214) from the Russian Far East.

Material examined. Karelia: Reserve Kivach (ca. 62.2954 N 33.9214 E), 28.V.– 5.VI. 1991, A. Polevoy (1 ♂, ZISP); Leningrad Oblast: Gatshina (59.56 N 30.13 E), 11.VI. 1940, A. Stackelberg (1 ♀, ZISP); Luga (ca. 58.73 N 29.84 E), 19.VI. 1935, A. Stackelberg (1 ♂, ZISP); Yashchera (58.8945 N 29.8206 E), 31.V. 1968, A. Stackelberg (1 ♂, ZISP); Jukki (ca. 60.11 N 30.29 E), 27.V. 1956 and 13.VI. 1958, A. Stackelberg (2 ♂♂, ZISP); Kartashevskaya (ca. 59.40 N 30.07 E), 8.VII. 1952, A. Stackelberg (1 ♀, ZISP); Moscow and Moscow Oblast: Izmaylovo (55.8001 N 37.8325 E, 55.7870 N 37.8345 E, 55.7871 N 37.8358 E, 55.7872 N 37.8365 E, 55.7945 N 37.8328 E, 55.7923 N 37.8385 E, 55.7867 N 37.8350 E), 17–30.V.1986, 3.VI.1990, 31.V.1992, 3.VIII.1993, 17.VII.1996, 11.V.2007, 15– 18.V.2008, 16– 20.VI.2007, 11– 31.V., 12. VI. 2009, A.L. Ozerov (21 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, ZMUM); Molzhaninovka (55.9369 N 37.3859 E), 13.V. 2010, A.L. Ozerov (1 ♂, ZMUM); Ozhigovo (55.4480 N 36.8709 E), 2.V. 2008, D. Gavryushin (1 ♂, ZMUM); Tyumen' Oblast: Neroyka (ca. 64.57 N 59.67 E), 700 m, 6–9.VII. 1990, Malozemov (7 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ZISP);

Diagnostic description. Body-length 3.0– 4.5 mm. Head. Frons yellow. 3 orbital setae present. Antenna black. Postpedicel with acutely angled upper apical corner, approximately 2–2.5 times as long as wide. Thorax black, extensively grey dusted. Proepisternum with hairs in central part. Katepisternum with 2–3 strong setae, from yellow to black. Legs yellow, only mid and hind coxae and tarsi darkened. Fore femur with 4–5 anteroventral setae (Fig. 123). Hind tibia without apical posteroventral seta. Wing clear. Abdomen black, greyish dusted. Male sternite 4 rectangular, approximately 2 times as long as wide (Fig. 127). Male sternite 5 with yellow lobes, as in Fig. 124. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 125, 126. Female sternite 8 as two small separate sclerites.

Distribution. Russia (Fig. 128): Amur Oblast, Karelia, Khabarovsk Kray, Leningrad Oblast, Magadan Oblast, Moscow and Moscow Oblast, Tyumen' Oblast.—Europe; North America.