Nanna bispinosa (Malloch, 1920)

Figs 82–87.

bispinosa Malloch, 1920: 285 (Amaurosoma). Type-locality: “Saldovia, Alaska” (USA).

Remarks. Noted by Ozerov (2010 d: 7) for European part of Russia from Karelia.

Material examined. Karelia: 4 km N of Medvezh'egorsk (62.9171 N 34.4548 E), 15.V.– 16.VI. 1991, Polevoy (1 ♀, ZMUM); Tatarstan: Volzhsko-Kamskiy reserve, Lake Raifa (55.897357 N 48.733022 E), 8.VI. 1982, Basov (1 ♂, ZMUM).

Diagnostic description. Body-length 3.0– 4.5 mm. Head. Frons black in upper half and reddish-yellow in lower half. 3 orbital setae present. Antenna black. Postpedicel with acutely angled upper apical corner, approximately 2.5 times as long as wide, in male wider than in female. Thorax black, grey dusted, but scutum with two shining spots, also anepisternum, katepisternum and anepimeron partly shining. Proepisternum with hairs in central part. Katepisternum with 2 strong setae (black in female and pale in male), anterior katepisternal absent. Legs yellow, only mid and hind coxae, and tarsi slightly darkened; fore femur sometimes with dark stripe posterodorsally. Fore femur with 2 anteroventral setae (Fig. 82). Hind tibia with apical posteroventral seta, which is shorter than anteroventral apical seta. Wing tinged with brownish. Abdomen black, greyish dusted. Male sternite 4 oval, approximately 1.5 times as long as wide (Fig. 86). Male sternite 5 with black lobes, as in Fig. 83. Epandrium, cerci and surstyli as in Figs 84, 85. Female sternite 8 as two small separate sclerites.

Distribution. Russia (Fig. 87): Karelia, Tatarstan.—Scandinavia, North America.